Welcome me, I'm new!
* Michayla123 OfflineMember |
Last Activity: August 24th 2012 10:49 AM
About Me
- Basics
- Name
- Michayla
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- Cincinnati, Ohio.
- About
- About me
- *Favorite Color: Blue
*Favorite Animal: Snake
*Sisters: 2
*Brothers: 3
*My name is Michayla, people call me Miki, but I don't like it. I am 15 years old. I have had alot of problems in my life, like...
*Im depressed, since age of 2.
*I have tried to commit suicide so many times I lost count.
*I have been in a mental hospital for 3 weeks, the only reason I left was because it was the maximum stay...Im still screwed up.
*I grew up without a father.
*I had a step dad, but I don't wanna talk about what he did to me. *The two people I trusted in my life dies within 3 months of eachother. My grandma, Cancer. My boyfriend of 5 years, Car accident.
*Raised my little brothers.
*16 boyfriends in whole life, and only one of them didn't dump me. *Raped...
*Short(height wise)
*Brown/Green eyes
*Brown/Blonde hair
*Amazing with kids
*Good at listening
*Give better advice then I recieve
*Outgoing, happy, funny and sweet publicly
*Fall in love to easily
- Details
- Here for
- Like to help and be helped
- Relationship status
- Single
- Sexuality
- Does it matter?
- Ethnicity
- Does it matter??
- Education
- High School
- Occupation
- Many...
- Politics
- IDK....
- Religion
- Catholic, but not very religious.
- Zodiac sign
- Aries
- Interests
- Hobbies
- Writting, sketching, reading, and playing music.
- Music
- Emo: Dashboard Confidential Rock: Aerosmith Screamo: Black Veil Brides Rap: Eminem/Lil Wayne/Tupac Pop: Nicki Minaj
- Movies
- Depends
- Television
- Don't watch TV.
- Games
- Don't judge me. *hidden treaure games *mario *pokemon
- Books
- all books
- Sports
- Football<3 Basketball, even if im not good. Hacky Sack, not good at all. But I love it.
- Heroes
- Uncle, in the infantry.
- Favorite quotes
- you can spenf minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what you could've, would've happened... or you can leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on. -Tupac- * * *life is to precious to worry about stupid shit. So have fun, get drunk and fall in love. Say what you wanna say and do what you wanna do. Regret-Nothing and don't let people who don't matter, bring you down. * * * Of course I'm into the whole Single-flirting-he's-hot thing but sometimes I miss the whole, Kissing-hugging-I'm-his-girlfriend kinda thing. * * * when life knocks you down to your knees, just remember that you are in the perfect position to pray. * * * HERE'S TO LIFE Haning out. Making out. Sneaking out. Passing out. Whatever happens, happens, No regrets. * * * Missing someone isn't about how long it's been since you have seen then las, or the amount of time it's been since you've talked... It's about that very moment when your going something, and you wish... Wish that they were right there with you. * * * I don't run from you. I walk away slowly, and it kills me because you don't care enough to stop me.
- Keep your eyes wide open... To the posibilities<3
- Keep your eyes wide open... To the posibilities<3