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Welcome me, I'm new!

mano95 Offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 26 of 26
  1. MadPoet
    December 7th 2009 10:50 PM - permalink
    I'm sorry about your parents separating.
    Yeah, but honestly I've never had many friends all of my life. I'm not generally the person with lots of friends or anything
    Although moving would definitely be hard either way.
  2. MadPoet
    December 5th 2009 01:14 AM - permalink
    That's kind of cool, that your dads in the navy. Must be pretty hard though ):
    I've never lived anywhere but where I lived now, which I'm actually pretty happy about, haha.
  3. MadPoet
    December 4th 2009 11:51 PM - permalink
    Yeah, that's understandable. Vegas is like the party and drug city, haha. Have you lived in a lot of different places?
    Detroit is okay. Boring sometimes, but definitely not the worst place ever.
  4. MadPoet
    December 3rd 2009 07:38 PM - permalink
    Vegas!? Wow, you're lucky! I've never been, but Vegas seems like it would be an awesome place, especially to live in. Do you like it there?
  5. MadPoet
    December 2nd 2009 10:25 PM - permalink
    That's good to hear :] I'm doing alright, just preparing myself for the super cold weather that's ahead of me. Is it cold yet where you live?
  6. MadPoet
    December 1st 2009 02:17 AM - permalink
    Hey! I read your thread in Arrivals and Departures and couldn't help but think "Oh my gosh this girl and I sound extremely alike!" Seeing as your name is Amanda, you like Twilight, and are "Team Seth!" and you are fourteen.
    I am exactly all of those things as well!

    So, you know, I just HAD to VM you! How are you doing?

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    Nowhere interesting
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    Homosexual/Gay or lesbian
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  • Interests
    Reading, listening to music
    WROCK, and pretty much anything but rap and jazz.
    Harry Potter
    Ace of Cakes->they cancelled it :(
    Harry Potter series; any and all Tamora Pierce books (I just haven't read them all yet) any and all L.J. Smith books, especially Vampire Diaries (I hate the show though...); Romeo and Juliet (pretty much Shakespeare in general); I love romance books and fantasy :D
    Duff Goldman
    Favorite quotes
    "Make it bigger, make it badder, make it AWESOME!"--Duff Goldman, Ace of Cakes

    "To love abundantly is to live abundantly, and to love forever is to live forever."--Henry Drummond

    "A baby is born with a need to be loved-and never outgrows it."--Frank Howard Clark

    "A hug is like a boomerang-you get it back right away."--Bil Keane

    "sometimes the pain's too strong to bare.
    life gets so hard you just cant care.
    you feel so alone you just sit there and cry.
    every second you wish you could die.
    then you start to think, who would care,
    if one day you woke up, and i wasn't there."--Unknown


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  • Join Date: November 30th 2009
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Posted September 23rd 2011 at 11:37 PM by mano95 Comments 3
Posted in Uncategorized
I realized today I might be crazy. Not the kind I always knew I am-in short, not the good kind. The bad kind. Voices in my head? Kind of. If imaginary 'friends'-such as book characters-that follow me around twenty-four seven count. I've always known they weren't real, and that it was all in my head and everything, but it...comforted me to know they were there. I've never really been close to anyone, I've always been alone.... Sure, I had my family. But I'm different than they are, not as...confident...

Posted April 27th 2011 at 07:39 PM by mano95 Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
I just reread my last post... Melodramatic. That's the only way to describe it. I hardly even knew him... And now I have an awesome girlfriend that loves me, so it's all okay now. Okay, maybe not *all*. TOO MUCH STRESS! School, my sisters, friends. *sigh* Everyone seems to expect too much from me. I am getting straight A's, I basically raise my sisters because my mom's too busy with her boyfriend (fighting, making out... yeah...), I'm supposed to be getting a job, I'm in the National Honor Society,...

Posted August 3rd 2010 at 03:40 AM by mano95 Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
A lot has happened...my first real crush, moving 1600 miles...I feel like crying. He misses me, and I miss him too. We weren't actually dating, and I didn't find out until I had already moved that he likes me too. He talks to me, and then won't talk to me for a couple of days/a week, and everytime I talk to him I feel like crying because I will never know if we were supposed to be together. The fact that I am 15 and Anthony's 18 doesn't help matters because I can't even tell my mom about him; I...

Posted January 15th 2010 at 09:20 PM by mano95 Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
The closer I get to being 15, the more I feel like it is a huge step in my life. Why? I don't know. It just feels like fifteen will be a whole lot older. I know that it isn't, that I will be the same person. It's just a little weird. Everybody keeps asking me what I want. The problem is, I don't really want anything. Material objects are nice, but not really what my life is about. I just like being around people who love me.
That reminds me, I joined Dragon Caves (dragcave.net) and I want...

Posted January 6th 2010 at 07:40 PM by mano95 Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
My birthday is in exactly a month! I'm gonna be 15!
Back to normal news...haha
Today during lunch, Matthew was staring at me. This was pointed out to me by my friends Donna and Courtney. Donna said "The new kid in our English and Bio classes is staring at you, wasn't he your best friend in fifth grade or something?" I confirmed this and looked to see if he was staring. As soon as I looked his direction, he quickly looked away and started a conversation with his friends....
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Thank you so much for...
Posted September 24th 2011 at 03:37 PM by mano95 mano95 is offline
i am in the same boat...
Posted September 24th 2011 at 01:41 AM by Scarlett Tears Scarlett Tears is offline
I do want to let you...
Posted September 24th 2011 at 12:20 AM by Haylee. Haylee. is offline
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Posted December 15th 2009 at 08:54 PM by L'espoir L'espoir is offline

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