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Outside, huh?

MadPoet Offline

You're the Original <3

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Showing Visitor Messages 2071 to 2080 of 3801
  1. noise94
    May 14th 2009 08:53 PM - permalink
    Haha! That is true. My neck. Lmao, my ''Neck Baby'' as Sarah calls it.

    Whaaaaaaa'? THIRTEEN? Nuh uhh.

    Yeah, I got tested for Mono, which I ALREADY got tested for and it came back negative, but the stupid doctor wouldn't listen to me! And for Celiac disease. All good fun really?
  2. noise94
    May 14th 2009 08:43 PM - permalink
    Oooh! I think I'm getting mine next week.

    Ooh, you're not in high school yet?

    I'm all right. Got blood tests taken today. And then got a nasty reaction to the tape/bandaid thing they put on after. My arms all rashy and yuck.

    'Cause you so wanted to know that. xD
  3. noise94
    May 14th 2009 07:06 PM - permalink
    How're you today?
  4. Hollifire
    May 14th 2009 05:15 PM - permalink
    Just the chocolate chip ones I was talking to you about last night. But my boyfriend ate the rest after lunch, so I have no cookies left. *pout* But we're going to the mall this afternoon and I will purchase more.
  5. Hollifire
    May 14th 2009 12:46 PM - permalink

    So it's 8:42am and I just ate a cookie. Haha just thought I'd share that with you.
  6. nikki-bikki
    May 14th 2009 12:15 PM - permalink
    Haha yeh, that's probably true.
    I can't wait til i'm 18 and I can go travel and see the rest of the world (:
    One more year...yay! lol.
  7. nikki-bikki
    May 14th 2009 09:15 AM - permalink
    Haha yeh I know.
    The other states are ok, cause they have theme parks and stuff, but of course, my state has nothing.
    I like Autumn myself, because it's more cold then spring (: Autumn over here is good.

    Yeah i know. We have definitely taken the Earth for granted.
    Lets hope we can repair some of the damage we've caused to it.
  8. nikki-bikki
    May 14th 2009 08:50 AM - permalink
    Yes I do, Australia
    Most people who don't live here always seem to be so jealous of me when I tel them that. But ugh, I hate it here.
    Aw yeh, same here. One day it'll be raining, the next it's super hot...make up your mind! Lol
    I think Global Warming has a part to play in that though, over Christmas it used to be soo hot here, now it gets hotter earlier on in the year.

    Aw, thanks You seem pretty cool yourself (:
  9. nikki-bikki
    May 14th 2009 08:41 AM - permalink
    Lol, thats ok (:
    Aw wow, I wish it would thunder here. It's Winter, yet it's a still sunny and hot outside...how depressing. Lol
    Yeh, it's great. Everyone seems really nice here (:
  10. nikki-bikki
    May 14th 2009 08:31 AM - permalink
    Heyy, weirdly enough, I was just on your profile and thought you seemed pretty cool so I was just about to add you, haha.
    Well im ok thanks, you?

    And thanks (:

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    The awesomeness.
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    Listening to music, reading, writing, THing, internet randomness, etc.
    Switchfoot is my favorite band, and I really like other Christian music too. But I also love classic rock and pretty much anything else besides rap...
    A Walk To Remember!
    The Vampire Diaries
    Pretty Little Liars
    The Hunger Games
    Mortal Instruments
    Jodi Picoult books

    And pretty much anything fictional.
    Ew. D:
    Favorite quotes
    Listen to a Switchfoot song, and you'll find one. ;)
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    A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts


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