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Outside, huh?

MadPoet Offline

You're the Original <3

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1631 to 1640 of 3801
  1. Gaia
    December 2nd 2009 11:56 AM - permalink
    You're back on staff! Forgive my lateness, I've been busy. But hurrah, it's awesome to see you pink again.
  2. Pandamonium
    December 2nd 2009 05:29 AM - permalink
    Bahaha. But I'm KEWL.

  3. obelus
    December 2nd 2009 03:53 AM - permalink
    It's actually quite nice, the day goes by faster no matter how much your butt seems to hurt at the end of that class. I've honestly only know of one other school that does it in my county, not sure though. ^^.
    Ack, Computer Science is probably the worst. xD I like school, being the nerd type person I am. Though it's just irksome waking that early for sure.
  4. udontno
    December 2nd 2009 03:49 AM - permalink
    Won't they fail you if you miss a certain number of days?

    School is routine. Same old shit... blah. blah. I'm tired of going, tired of the work, ready for Christmas vacation.
  5. Power Cosmic
    December 2nd 2009 03:36 AM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    I had to stop and try and remember what Thanksgiving is =P. So no, I believe it's an american holiday only. I only know about it due to TV xD.
    Not even sure what date it is..or what it's about
  6. udontno
    December 2nd 2009 03:27 AM - permalink
    Well, I'm not used to outsiders, to say the least. I rarely see anyone I don't know.

    Yeah, things totally changed for me. Some for the better, some for the worst. How have you been?
  7. obelus
    December 2nd 2009 03:26 AM - permalink
    Ack, I have a block schedule. There's A Day and B Day with 4 classes each day and 90 minutes long. I have either Geometry or Chemistry last, both make me sleep to be honest.
    I run, just want to leave sometimes. xD
  8. Power Cosmic
    December 2nd 2009 03:22 AM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    Lol, very little . My life is blerg as usual =/.
    How about your's? ^^;
  9. udontno
    December 2nd 2009 03:16 AM - permalink
    Nothing here changed for the worse, I don't think. I felt out of the loop, too many new faces, etc.

    I changed for the better. I lived and learned. Loved and lost. Holding up though, I reckon.
  10. Babity
    December 2nd 2009 03:12 AM - permalink
    haha thanks! I wanted to change it so I'm so glad we're finally able to do it.
    So how have you been lately? We haven't talked singe may apparently lol

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    The awesomeness.
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    Listening to music, reading, writing, THing, internet randomness, etc.
    Switchfoot is my favorite band, and I really like other Christian music too. But I also love classic rock and pretty much anything else besides rap...
    A Walk To Remember!
    The Vampire Diaries
    Pretty Little Liars
    The Hunger Games
    Mortal Instruments
    Jodi Picoult books

    And pretty much anything fictional.
    Ew. D:
    Favorite quotes
    Listen to a Switchfoot song, and you'll find one. ;)
  • Signature

    A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts


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