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Outside, huh?

MadPoet Offline

You're the Original <3

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Showing Visitor Messages 1461 to 1470 of 3801
  1. Power Cosmic
    December 22nd 2009 02:04 AM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    =O. lol
    Meh, I don't think I'm going to be buying anything interesting that isn't food. Well, fingers crossed for something nommable =)
  2. Power Cosmic
    December 21st 2009 10:17 PM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    Ahh, I see.
    Lol, now it totally doesn't look like we're talking about ecstasy .
    Ah, fingers crossed for you though =).
  3. Babity
    December 21st 2009 09:14 PM - permalink
    aw thanks
    I am but then I went to George Webbs and got a burger and now that's all backfiring lol
    Ooo what'd you get your mom? I'm getting mine an mp3 player (the fun part for me will be watching to see if she gets how to use it haha)
    I haven't done too much. Let's see well I was hanging out with friends and one of my friends brought a puppy (absolutely adorable) I love dogs!
  4. Naomi.
    December 21st 2009 07:34 PM - permalink
    I always get stuck on the R&D ones and they all seem to be about them at the moment! Haha xD
    And sure xD Bahaha but not for a few days...I'm fed up of that christmas and i still have to construct my brothers cake xD
    Wow, that is tons, we need more people like you!!! I've done 4 in 2 days xD
  5. mano95
    December 21st 2009 06:25 PM - permalink
    Haha, all of my friends agree with you, but I do not.
  6. Power Cosmic
    December 21st 2009 05:41 PM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    Ah, I see, lol. Isn't buying gifts what Christmas shopping is? >.> Or am I just being dim-witted and slow?
    And I'm just back after an epic journey to the chemist and reptile shop, the former didn't have these vitamins I always get and the latter was out of ratcicles *huff*.
    Got my happy pills though, so *shrugs*.
    Wouldn't it be majorly crowded on Wednesday though?
  7. Naomi.
    December 21st 2009 05:26 PM - permalink
    Ah i've just realised the green/red thingy, i mean on HL how when you're under 5 it's red and when you're over 7 it's green xD <3
  8. Naomi.
    December 21st 2009 05:26 PM - permalink
    Aw thanks I wrote a proper long one yesterday haha took me hourssss xD I find it hard when i can't answer on though, like i don't know how to :\
    Awww that sounds really cute!
    I've been living in th ekitchen haha had to make shortbread xmas tree, gingerbread house, brownies for my brothers party, brothers christmas cake and a ton more of stuff! Haha xD
  9. L'espoir
    December 21st 2009 05:23 PM - permalink
    Guess what, guess what? NOT POSSIBLE

    Likewise. I'm not bad thanks; you? <333
  10. noise94
    December 21st 2009 05:12 PM - permalink
    Helloooooo darling.
    See, I always get around to it eventually!
    Was sick yesterdaaay and decided to hide from the world. So yeah.
    But I is back in action noww.
    Wooohoooo? xD

    YUS, you MUST visit Nicoland sometime in the near or far future. It's actually kinda cool here.. I have lots of diet coke and books and cookies, and let us be honest, what else could one POSSIBLY want in life?! The downside is.. well there is no downside.

    OMG, I was in your dream? THAT IS EPIC. I even manage to stalk people in their sleep. Hahaha. But that does sound like something I would do. Oh noes. You gotted dream stabbed? ARE YOU OKAY? Skeery dreams traumatize meeee.

    Awww, you are too cute. But guess whuuuut?!

    Hi. How are you? Does you has snow in Amandaland? Thar is no snow in Nicoland. We just has lots and lots of ice and it's made the roads all dangerous and stuffs.



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    The awesomeness.
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  • Interests
    Listening to music, reading, writing, THing, internet randomness, etc.
    Switchfoot is my favorite band, and I really like other Christian music too. But I also love classic rock and pretty much anything else besides rap...
    A Walk To Remember!
    The Vampire Diaries
    Pretty Little Liars
    The Hunger Games
    Mortal Instruments
    Jodi Picoult books

    And pretty much anything fictional.
    Ew. D:
    Favorite quotes
    Listen to a Switchfoot song, and you'll find one. ;)
  • Signature

    A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts


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