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Outside, huh?

MadPoet Offline

You're the Original <3

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Showing Visitor Messages 1451 to 1460 of 3801
  1. obelus
    December 23rd 2009 03:54 AM - permalink
    I don't think I slept much last night xD I like staying up late as well, no matter how I get from it ^_^
    My phone's touch screen fails. I want to reply to the text, not delete it -_-'
    Mentalness wins, for sure Good conversation, aye? xD
    My conversations almost always include unicorns or something ^_^
  2. Power Cosmic
    December 22nd 2009 09:22 PM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    Ah, see, that's the thing though, bad morals don't really exist either, due to universally available top level education as well as a wee bit of genetic manipulation. You should read Player of Games by Iain M Banks, it's a really interesting view of things =).
  3. obelus
    December 22nd 2009 08:38 PM - permalink
    I actually woke up early today, but I'll probably end up napping later xD
    Well, I was just on the phone calling myself for the last twenty minutes to listen to my voicemail I accidentally left a message one of the times xD
    I don't think the time of day matters for how mental I am though
  4. obelus
    December 22nd 2009 05:20 PM - permalink
    My mind goes mental around that time of night xD Wall confusion stories are the best! As are the stories where TH comes into real life Not sure how many times I've told people I'm about to hit the ignore button or tell people take it to Disputes and then naming all everyone on the Disputes Committee. xD
  5. Power Cosmic
    December 22nd 2009 05:11 PM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    Yes, but it's communism as it should be, sharing of everything without the loss of freedom. Basically, it operates on the premise that there's infinite energy, so anything can be made, and hyper-advanced, benevolent machines do anything onerous for us with zero effort so biological citizens can just enjoy life with like their craploads of genetic enhancements to make life safer and more pleasurable.
  6. obelus
    December 22nd 2009 06:11 AM - permalink
    Alright, so I was legitimately not stalking. xD
    Well. I saw Amanda posted on your wall and I thought you posted on your own wall and was about to laugh, until I realized -_-;
    That is all.
  7. Power Cosmic
    December 22nd 2009 05:10 AM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    That is how society *should* be .
  8. Power Cosmic
    December 22nd 2009 04:49 AM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    Lol, na, it's the whole world's economy...and I'm in enough debt xD.
    Lol, and thanks I guess ^^; I'd totally do the same for you, again if you were that wee bit closer
  9. Comatose
    December 22nd 2009 03:03 AM - permalink
    Aw, thanks! :]
    I'm liking it. I wish I could be on more then I am, but hopefully this vacation I can buckle down on it.
  10. Stardaze
    December 22nd 2009 02:28 AM - permalink
    Hey Amanda, how is you?

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  • Interests
    Listening to music, reading, writing, THing, internet randomness, etc.
    Switchfoot is my favorite band, and I really like other Christian music too. But I also love classic rock and pretty much anything else besides rap...
    A Walk To Remember!
    The Vampire Diaries
    Pretty Little Liars
    The Hunger Games
    Mortal Instruments
    Jodi Picoult books

    And pretty much anything fictional.
    Ew. D:
    Favorite quotes
    Listen to a Switchfoot song, and you'll find one. ;)
  • Signature

    A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts


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