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Outside, huh?

MadPoet Offline

You're the Original <3

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1331 to 1340 of 3801
  1. Bibliophile
    January 21st 2010 05:50 PM - permalink
    Oh, sure.
  2. Bibliophile
    January 21st 2010 07:23 AM - permalink
    Thank you. I'll be telling my girlfriend you said that.
  3. Nekokira52
    January 21st 2010 05:03 AM - permalink
    Hey there, just wanted to say that your name is epic hahas and also, just wondering, where did you signature come from? Is it a song, or a story or something? See ya around!

  4. yoloyoloyolo
    January 14th 2010 07:56 PM - permalink
    Haha, I play in a band that does a lot of charity work supporting teens going through tough times, and Amy's Song is one of the songs we play
    I LOVE Switchfoot as well, Jon Foreman has the voice of an angel.
    Haha, naw, I didn't change my username. I used to be on TH about 2 years ago, but ended up not logging in after a while and my account got deleted.
    I'm Thomas, nice to meet you Amanda
  5. Hollifire
    January 13th 2010 02:15 PM - permalink
    Amanda Bander, how be you?
  6. PSY
    January 13th 2010 06:51 AM - permalink
    I HATE math. HATEHATEHATE. I had to take two calculus classes during my freshman year in college... gaaaaaaaaah. HATE. RAGE. RAWR. =P But at least hospitals and labs don't REALLY expect you to know math when you're practicing psychology... they have statisticians who do the hardcore math for you, and all you have to do is add everything up and record the data. =D
  7. PSY
    January 13th 2010 06:43 AM - permalink
    Whoops! D= I keep forgetting that you're so young. =P So yeah, four years of high school + four years of undergrad... loooong time to decide who you want to be as a writer. =)

    Definitely not psychiatry. =( You have to do two years of pre-med, along with the 3-4 years of doctorate level studies... and I SUCK at science, so no thank you! But I would like to get a doctorate in psychology... if I can't get into a program straight out of college, my backup plan is to get a masters in family therapy, so that I can at least get my certifications and start practicing in a clinical setting.
  8. Stardaze
    January 13th 2010 05:23 AM - permalink
    Psh, you better know who i am!!!
    How is you dear friend of mine?
  9. PSY
    January 13th 2010 04:38 AM - permalink
    Yeah, you're 16, so you've still got plenty of time to decide on the specifics. =D

    My high school had an unique program called "Peer Advocates", where ~20 juniors and seniors were trained for one semester in order to counsel students. It was a very difficult program to get in to, but I guess I showed a natural talent for finding the right things to say... so I was accepted. After my semester of training, I was in the program for my entire senior year, and it truly opened my eyes to the problems that kids all around me were dealing with. I've had a fairly easy life... dealt with some physical and sexual abuse from my ex-boyfriend, and my family life isn't the best, but I've never hit rock bottom... so many teens have, and I want to help them. So I'm getting the degree and credentials I need in order to do so. =P

    Plus, in all honesty, I think it's just about the only thing I'm good at. HAHA!
  10. Stardaze
    January 12th 2010 10:00 PM - permalink
    Oh hai there.

About Me

  • Basics
  • Details
    Here for
    The awesomeness.
    Relationship status
    High School
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Listening to music, reading, writing, THing, internet randomness, etc.
    Switchfoot is my favorite band, and I really like other Christian music too. But I also love classic rock and pretty much anything else besides rap...
    A Walk To Remember!
    The Vampire Diaries
    Pretty Little Liars
    The Hunger Games
    Mortal Instruments
    Jodi Picoult books

    And pretty much anything fictional.
    Ew. D:
    Favorite quotes
    Listen to a Switchfoot song, and you'll find one. ;)
  • Signature

    A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts


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