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Outside, huh?

MadPoet Offline

You're the Original <3

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  1. Trickmatic
    March 6th 2010 04:28 AM - permalink
    I like... all of them? xD Mainly basketball and American football.

    My day. Has been long. Woke up at 6 to do the school thing. and yeah. it's been a long day. rawr.
  2. Trickmatic
    March 6th 2010 04:03 AM - permalink
    Oh. and the shift the conversation from Facebook to here.

    I watch SYTYCD and Big Brother. Sports too. That's like the Trinity of TV to me.

    How was ya day?
  3. MegaMadness
    March 6th 2010 04:02 AM - permalink
    Haha same,, And yes, we need a subject change. How is the weather for you? haha
  4. PSY
    March 6th 2010 03:40 AM - permalink
    Yeah, but at least I get to pick the topic I want to write about. It's a film and animation class, with a particular emphasis on animation... so I'm going to talk about X-Men (Wolverine in particular), and what it means to be "human". Fun, I know, but I'm still going to struggle with the fact that it needs to be EIGHT PAGES LONG.

    Oho. Switchfoot is going to Michigan? Fun fact: Switchfoot is from my "hometown", so there are quite a few fans out here. =D Especially in my bible study group, lol. They offer a lot of free concerts during the summer months.

    Well, I've had a few issues... but I'm getting them sorted out. My dad's on a rebound relationship at the moment, which really sucks... but what can I do? =/ I also have a cyst in my breast... it's not the first time this has happened... so I need to go to the doctor's and get that checked out. It should be benign, caused by stress of excessive hormones or whatever. =P But it still sucks to spend a day at the doctor's, when I need that time to study for my exams and to write my essay.

    I also ran out of gas today. That was fun. It's the first time I've ever done that. Fortunately, I got off the freeway, and sort of out of the way, before my car died. Someone pulled over immediately, and gave me a ride to the gas station (three blocks away). Didn't take long at all, and I'm so glad that there are people who are willing to take time out of their day to help a stranger, stranded on the side of the road. My boyfriend said it's only because I'm a "sexy lady". 1. THAT'S NOT TRUE, and 2. I was in my car, so he didn't know what the driver looked like until after he pulled over to help out. lol. But hooray for nice people. =)
  5. obelus
    March 6th 2010 01:58 AM - permalink
  6. MegaMadness
    March 6th 2010 01:11 AM - permalink
    Hahaha Anything other than homework. Haha. Homework is boring Nearly as boring as TH when no ones on to annoy haha.
  7. MermaidMassacre
    March 5th 2010 09:29 PM - permalink
    Female hormonal bleeding ness severeness =P
  8. Trickmatic
    March 5th 2010 09:23 PM - permalink
    I'm doing okayyyyy.

    Yoshi pwns all. always have to pick him in Mario Kart LOL. I feel old :0 and I love having conversations on FB, TH, MSN, TH chat, Formspring. or wherever. Cuz I'm cool like dat!
  9. MermaidMassacre
    March 5th 2010 02:01 PM - permalink
    Nice to hear you're good. =)
    I've been pretty okay myself.
    At the moment sick. =P
    Other than that just peachy!
  10. PSY
    March 5th 2010 08:19 AM - permalink
    Aww, I'm sorry. =( I've had a lot of schoolwork this quarter... THAT is criminal. D= I have a midterm in one week, an 8 page essay due a few days after that, and a final exam the day after that... so I'm trying to figure out what I need to study/work on, and when. =P I'm still chugging along with my TH duties, though, haven't had to take any time off. =D

    I LOVE THE NEW SYSTEM FOR HELPLINK. Omg. <3 I could kiss Rob (if he wasn't so far away and if I didn't have a boyfriend ).

    Self Expression is such an awesome forum. =) And we have the same partner (Kaila), so that's pretty cool!

    And how are things going for you, aside from TH stuff? =)

About Me

  • Basics
  • Details
    Here for
    The awesomeness.
    Relationship status
    High School
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Listening to music, reading, writing, THing, internet randomness, etc.
    Switchfoot is my favorite band, and I really like other Christian music too. But I also love classic rock and pretty much anything else besides rap...
    A Walk To Remember!
    The Vampire Diaries
    Pretty Little Liars
    The Hunger Games
    Mortal Instruments
    Jodi Picoult books

    And pretty much anything fictional.
    Ew. D:
    Favorite quotes
    Listen to a Switchfoot song, and you'll find one. ;)
  • Signature

    A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts


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