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Welcome me, I'm new!

lovely.manifestation Offline

ilovemyboxofchocolateslif e<3

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. CanadaCraig
    April 2nd 2010 09:27 AM - permalink
    Hi Nev!!
    I hope you're having a scooby-dooby day!!
    Just wanted to say 'THANK YOU' for asking my friendship request.
  2. Lights
    March 22nd 2010 02:50 PM - permalink
    Tnx! i'm glad you like it! :P
  3. Magic.
    March 17th 2010 06:19 AM - permalink
    I love them!! I saw them live last year in London ... amazing!! x
  4. CanadaCraig
    March 16th 2010 10:52 PM - permalink

    Thanks Nev!!
    What a nice thing to say!!
    I hope you're having a groovy day!!
    AND that you'll accept my friendship request.

  5. mrplow705
    March 15th 2010 04:20 AM - permalink
    I have a confession................I am an ape . But i like everything check my profile (yes i actually filled out the info)
  6. mrplow705
    March 15th 2010 01:52 AM - permalink
    Do you like apes?
  7. Stardaze
    March 14th 2010 01:17 AM - permalink
    I'm okay i supposee.
  8. Stardaze
    March 13th 2010 10:46 PM - permalink
    Hey. How are you doing?
  9. DeletedAccount84
    March 11th 2010 05:05 AM - permalink
    you need to find a image that can be tiled together to form a background. Mine background is from a smaller square, and it's just repeated, but as its for a tiled background, it all merges together. If that makes sense?
  10. Sydney...
    March 7th 2010 05:58 AM - permalink
    Well I would really love someone to talk to. I lost someone very close to me on February 3 and it's really hurting. plus my stepmom just recently started to hit me. I needsome good advice.

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    Hello out there =]
    mm, don't we all love talking about ourselves ;) XD
    My name is Nev, and I just turned seventeen =]
    LML is my favorite acronym, and it means "love my life".
    I guess you could say I'm an optimist, which I'm pretty pleased about.
    Naturally ;)

    I'd like to think that I'm both generous and kind, but, wouldn't we all.
    So it's up to you to decide... it's lovely we've all got that option goin on.
    I'm generally encouraging, and occasionally hesitant, born of selfishness.

    I hope that I balance being tactful with being opinionated,
    because I'm most certainly one of those things.
    I've been told that I'm really easy to talk to,
    but I've also been told I'm a bit intimidating.
    I really admire strong, confident women so perhaps that's what I project,
    and I know that that can throw some people off. *shrugs*

    In addition to being all strong and confident, I'm also rather dreamy,
    and manage to be ridiculously insecure at times.
    It's something I push through though, because I know that I've got a lot to offer,
    and really only so much time to give it all up.

    I am very sincere, sometimes thoughtless, and sometimes awkward.
    The thoughtlessness is the only bit I mind.

    Umm, let's see... I am ALL FOR gay marriage, and I support love. That's a big one.
    I always stand up for what I believe in.

    I do that weird thing where I cross my arms to hide my body,
    Even though I am a glorious creation, haha, as are we all.
    I also have a tendency to start out softly when I sing,
    even though I know I can carry a tune.

    What else?
    I dearly love to laugh. I love my guitar, my piano, and my brother [;

    I'm a feminist, and what that means to me is... women and men are equal, point-blank.
    Physical differences have nothing to do with worth or intelligence.
    A woman's words, thoughts, feelings, and ideas
    are all just as important and valid as any man's.
    It doesn't mean I'm burning my bra or am against gentlemanly behavior :P

    I think everyone should be a feminist, but then...
    we all would like to think we're right, and that our way is the best way.
    I'd imagine even when it's with the best of intentions,
    that sort of mindset can be dangerous.

    Let's se...
    I'm also a huge fan of dancing around in my underwear,
    singing the theme song to The Nanny whenever it comes on,
    great books to the sound of rain on my windowsill,
    all-nighters and
    that feeling of being absolutely infinite,
    when the earth slows down and you're part of it all.
    the wind, ever-flying. The trees, growing slowly, swaying,
    the heat of the earth, the flow of the water...
    the vastness of the sky somehow mirrored in it's entirety, right in your chest.
    umm... if that was totally out there, well, maybe it won't always be ;)

    Hmmm.... I feel as though I've written a small book in this about me box.
    So I'm going to stop now. Once I get off on a tangent, it's like the energizer bunny xD
    Y.O.U is the bomb diggity, btw, and if you know what that is, I'm pretty much infinitely pleased.
    Well, peace out guys.
  • Details
    Relationship status
    High School
    I choose based on morals :) [[my morals]]
    Zodiac sign
  • Signature
    if i've ever learned anything, it's to be loved.
    funny how accepting and allowing that can be so hard,
    when loving someone else can be so easy.
    the thing is, we accept exactly what we think we deserve,
    no matter what that may be.
    so i'm thinking it's time to change our mindsets;
    if we haven't yet figured out that we deserve the best,
    then it's certainly time.
    think about it ;]


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  • Last Activity: January 30th 2011 03:43 AM
  • Join Date: March 7th 2010
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