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Jeez, get a life!

LlamaLlamaDuck Offline

Llama Lover/Skittle Minion

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1701 to 1710 of 3248
  1. Anatidaephobia
    August 28th 2011 06:41 PM - permalink
    Yus...except for Rory
  2. Everglow.
    August 28th 2011 06:38 PM - permalink
    He really should! That'd be pretty cool.
  3. Anatidaephobia
    August 28th 2011 06:26 PM - permalink
    Yay, come lock him in the cupboard with me now?
    Yus The best fear ever
    Ah yeah but his mom was already dead at that point. so that couldn't explain it
  4. Everglow.
    August 28th 2011 06:25 PM - permalink
    Yeahh, exactly. I think he needs to come back.
  5. emma01
    August 28th 2011 08:31 AM - permalink
    OMG that is such a long day!!! Well the half days are good but still!
  6. Spellbound
    August 28th 2011 12:10 AM - permalink
    Ooh, awesome! I can imagine how scary it must have been to start college But scary is good sometimes, because for me, conquering my fears makes me feel pretty badass and strong . Have you met any cool people yet?
    And I know!!! It has been amazing. It's getting better and better, in my opinion. Bahaha, that's funny I have Pretty Little Liars dreams sometimes too I actually dreamed that I was a fifth liar on the show and I was getting A texts and stuff. I can't remember much else from it though
    Well, I remember when the girls were down in the morgue and Jenna and some nurse walked by (what was Jenna even doing in the morgue, anyway? xD) and Jenna was talking about a surgery for her eyes to help restore her sight. So, I don't know. Maybe she can see things a little, but I don't even know. I don't know what to think of Jenna. I mean, she seems like she could be 'A,' but I think that would be too easy. It's a bit obvious, and it has been from the first episode or two! I don't know. xD
    What do you think about Jason? I'm on the fence about him. Sometimes I like him, sometimes I think he's a huge creep. I think he was lying about those photos, and they weren't by Allison.
    I can't wait for next week, the summer finale! Last week was really intense. "The doctor is out." I wonder what happened to her. Hopefully nothing bad. I kind of like Dr. Sullivan.
  7. Everglow.
    August 27th 2011 08:50 PM - permalink
    I know! I've understood every episode I've seen (I'm a total doctor who geek...) and even I don't get it. I miss Russell!
  8. Anatidaephobia
    August 27th 2011 08:47 PM - permalink
    Well don't tell them it was me
    Aha yeah but then Rory's blonde so i wonder why he liked them so much if he put him in the cupboard
  9. Anatidaephobia
    August 27th 2011 07:50 PM - permalink
    I loved that line No wonder He was so angry in the world if he was locked in a cupboard for years :P
    Can we go lock him in a cupboard?
  10. Everglow.
    August 27th 2011 07:46 PM - permalink
    I like him, but I don't LOVE him. David tennant is just amazing and he'll always be my favourite. This episode just really disappointed me though. The title was pretty much irrelevant and the acting's getting worse too

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    Hi everybody!

    My name is Louise, I'm 25, and I'm from Scotland!

    I joined TH in 2009 and since then I've been on HelpLINK, Live Help, Avatar, Disputes Committee, and a forum mod for Religion and Spirituality; Science and Philosophy. I am now a Project Advisor and Live Help Officer. :)

    I lovelovelove llamas. :D Absolutely love them!
    I'm a pretty random, abnormal person and am always up for a chat so feel free to shoot me a message anytime.

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    "Hoo-hoo! Big summa blowout!" :D

    "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times. If one only remembers to turn on the light" Albus Dumbledore

    "Of course this is happening inside your head, Harry. But why should that mean it is not real?"
    Albus Dumbledore

    " Was I ever crazy? Maybe. Or maybe life is... Crazy isn't being broken or swallowing a dark secret. It's you or me amplified. If you ever told a lie and enjoyed it. If you ever wished you could be a child forever."
    Susanna Kayson

    "I'm not a psychopath, I'm a highly functioning sociopath. Do your research."
    Sherlock Holmes
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    Throw those curtains wide
    One day like this a year would see me right

    We are the rainbow
    Or click here for some grovelling.


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Posted April 7th 2018 at 11:45 AM by LlamaLlamaDuck Comments 2
Posted in Uncategorized
Short blog from the most appalling excuse for a staff member.


Long time, no see. Something that is entirely my own fault for getting too overwhelmed with everything being so busy and pushing TeenHelp to the bottom of my priorities with the intention of 'dealing with it later'. Except later didn't get the chance to happen. With things changing a lot at work and university being so time consuming and challenging now, I've spent most of what time I have left in...

Posted October 13th 2017 at 09:00 AM by LlamaLlamaDuck Comments 2
Posted in Uncategorized
It’s today! In half an hour I’m heading to my rheumatology appointment. I’m trying not to get my hopes up. I keep telling myself that they’ll just tell me nothing is wrong. Even though I feel like this pain isn’t normal. The physiotherapist gave up. She was obviously relieved when I told her I had a rheumatology appointment because I didn’t have to be her problem anymore. She did her usual thing of pressing on my back, which did nothing but make me jump away from her hands and try not to yell out...

Posted September 16th 2017 at 09:03 PM by LlamaLlamaDuck Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
The past few weeks have been a nightmare. Not completely, there have been good points and it's not like I'm miserable or anything. But dear spaghetti they've been stressful. I worry about everything anyway, that's just me. But this time it was things I couldn't talk myself down from because they WERE worth worrying over.

Work got stupidly stressful when I was landed with a task that was started so badly by the other person that it took me two days to fix. It was a simple mailout to...

Posted July 15th 2017 at 11:50 AM by LlamaLlamaDuck Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
I haven't done a lot of TeenHelping for a while. Hands up, I've been awful on the Staffie front. At first it was revision for my exam, then it was celebrating my freedom and watching Netflix without feeling guilty. Crazy, right?

Unfortunately then I went to a physiotherapy appointment. I'm not sure what he did to my back, it really hurt while he was doing it but he said it would help. Ever since that appointment the pain has been way worse. Any longer than about 20 minutes sitting...

Posted June 8th 2017 at 07:50 AM by LlamaLlamaDuck Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
At last. No more revision, no more worrying, no more panicking and freaking out and stressing about forgetting things.
My exam was yesterday and, on balance, it wasn't too terrible. I was able to answer the terms with ease, and the two essays that came up were the ones that I had less detail prepared for but I managed to ramble on for 3-5 pages for each one so hopefully there's enough information there to get me some marks!

I had booked a doctor's appointment before the exam...
Recent Comments
Louise, you never have...
Posted April 7th 2018 at 09:28 PM by
Llama is forgiven ...
Posted April 7th 2018 at 05:13 PM by Celyn Celyn is offline
Hoping your appointment...
Posted October 13th 2017 at 12:00 PM by hocus pocus hocus pocus is offline
Best of luck with the...
Posted October 13th 2017 at 11:47 AM by Celyn Celyn is offline
Good luck in your exams....
Posted May 23rd 2017 at 01:20 PM by Thinking Thinking is offline

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