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Junior TeenHelper

LastRedAppleStanding Offline

Poetic Loser

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 22
  1. nerdynative
    February 8th 2013 11:11 PM - permalink
    hello i was reading about you and i saw we had alot in common!
  2. havehopeyourbeautiful
    June 19th 2012 10:09 AM - permalink
    its ok and horrible i am grounded 6 months
  3. havehopeyourbeautiful
    June 8th 2012 01:39 AM - permalink
    hello how are you
  4. Sincerely Yours ♥
    January 3rd 2012 10:35 PM - permalink
    Sincerely Yours ♥
    You're very welcome I hope you had an awesome day
  5. Sincerely Yours ♥
    December 9th 2011 07:33 PM - permalink
    Sincerely Yours ♥
    Hey there! Happy birthday!
  6. anony mouse.
    January 17th 2011 06:28 PM - permalink
    anony mouse.
    Aww, stress is no good. Anything you wanna talk about?
  7. anony mouse.
    January 10th 2011 06:54 PM - permalink
    anony mouse.
    Hey, Erin. Are you okay?
  8. lauri
    December 27th 2010 02:33 PM - permalink
    Hi, Is this the erin i talked to in live help? If it is I just want to say Im sorry I left but you stopped talking and i tryed to see if you were still there but i got no reply. Also if some one in the chat is making you feel suicidal please put that person on agnor you dont need to talk to them if there making you feel very bad.

    Ways to help you with triggers and flashbacks woud be for the flash backs tell your self it is 2010 or whatevr year it is and that you are safe now and start feeling stuff like the couch or soemthign saying i am here i am here it is not happening again I am safe. For triggers to try to avoid them just agnor people that trigger you walk away or put them on agnor. Talk to some one when the trriggers come , take a walk, go watch tv. Hope this helped {:

    If you are not the erin i talked to yesterday in live help then please agnor this message and delete it. My name is lauri by the way
  9. Obliviate
    December 24th 2010 09:37 PM - permalink
  10. Tara.
    December 10th 2010 01:42 AM - permalink
    Happy Birthday

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    I'm 15, I'm constantly changing the colour of my hair. At this moment i have decided to go ole' natural and i'm blonde :D

    I have shit coloured eyes (Brown) :L

    5mm stretcher (Will be going to 6mm soon)
    Lobes pierced three times
    Nose stud
    Lip ring
    And i'll be having snakebite, tongue and industrial through to the conch soon :D

    I'm not really that interesting tbf LOL :P
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    I'm very picky OK! :D
    Secondary School
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Reading, Singing, Listening to music, Hanging about with friends, getting drunk and letting lose.
    Rock Music.
    Flyleaf, The Used, Biffy Clyro, Placebo, Led Zepplin, Muse, Avenged Sevenfold, Paramore, Bullet for my Valentine,The Police, Disturbed, System of a Down, Nickleback, Papa Roach, Alanis Morissette, Black Stone Cherry... You get the picture :D
    Shrooms, The Ring....Most Horrors.
    Love romcoms and some musicals.
    Shudder! Television is for boring people :) Sometimes i watch BBC3?
    No thanks.
    All material from L.J Smith, Twilight Saga, Vampire Academy, The Morganville Vampire series
    Basically, anything supernatural like Vampires, Witches, Werewolfs, Angels. But i do love me some romance :D


    And sometimes i'll be really sad and get library books on illnesses, psychology and medicine..Sue me :D
    Body boarding

    But if i'm really, truly honest? I hate sports :P
    My heroine is Lacey Moseley from the band Flyleaf. She expresses herself through her music and the band isn't very well knows but she keeps trying anyway. She has been through drugs, self harm, Everything; but she decided to become a Christian due to her grandmother taking her to church one day and thats why she's where she is now. She's positively amazing and i envy her strength <3
    Favorite quotes
    "We Do Not Detect Hate and Sarcasm In One's Audible Expression, Unless It So Wishes To Be Detected."

    "Sometimes When The Sun Appears, You Can Allow Yourself To Just Relax; And You Can Really Appreciate How Beautiful The World Is."

    "A man gets together with a woman hoping she'll never change; a woman gets together with a man hoping she can change him."
    Other interests
    I love writing poetry and lyrics. I'm not brilliant, but singing is a huge part of my life.

    I hope to go onto college and university and study psychology :) I'd like to be either a psychologist or psychiatrist, even though becoming a doctor is something i'd like to do. I'm not smart enough though lol :D

    Art is also, and will always be my first love.
    It expresses who i am and without my art and my words, i wouldn't be back in the good place i am now. For that i am truly thankful for the few talents i possess <3
  • Signature
    How come dumb stuff seems so smart while you're doing it?
    Good friends get drunk with you. Best friends hold your hair back when you've had a bit too much to drink!
    There's no such thing as good girls gone wrong, only bad girls found out.
    I've learned...
    that maturity has more to do with what types
    of experiences you've had and what you've
    learned from them and less to do with how
    many birthdays you've celebrated.


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  • LastRedAppleStanding's posts have been liked or marked as helpful 3 times.
General Information
  • Last Activity: February 8th 2013 11:14 PM
  • Join Date: June 14th 2010
  • Referrals: 1


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