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I've been here a while

L'espoir Offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1761 to 1770 of 2198
  1. Katrina
    August 3rd 2009 01:03 AM - permalink
    Oh thanks buddy pal. [: Your message made me smile! You rock my socks quite a bit too! And I usually have fairly cool socks.
  2. Crazy_Achava_lovesmusic
    August 3rd 2009 12:41 AM - permalink
    Heyy long time no talk
  3. Prozac
    August 2nd 2009 11:01 PM - permalink
    Jennnnn, calm down
    I'm totally unsure what to say here because I know when I'm feeling 'super human' then there's not much that can bring me to like, y'know...a less super human mood. Buttttttttt it is midnight. Try and sleep?
    It's not wickeddddd. It can hurt you and I don't want you to get hurttt. Its bad because you don't have to hurt yourself to feel betterrr, distract yourself with something safer? <3 xxxxxxxx
  4. Prozac
    August 2nd 2009 10:41 PM - permalink
    Weeeeew. Deep breaths, try and calm down :] Come on, you don't want to jump infront of a car, you wouldn't be able to find out the pure awesome-ness of Kate if you did that! And don't give up on the giving up self harm :[ pleeease? I don't want you to hurt yourself when you don't technically have to. Tis not gooood. [Click] for alternativesss.

    Righty, she is so amazing BECAUSEEE:

    1. She's beautiful, i wish I looked like her - her hair is the best evaaaa.
    2. She's eccentric, she's mad but she doesn't care what people think of her.
    3. Her lyrics are pretty amazing. She sings about loaaads of different things too, I like variation.
    4. She was the first woman to have a UK number-one with a self-written song. Cool, huh?
    5. She pretended to be a mule in one song, shouting "HEE-HAWWW", and got away with it.
    6. This woman's work is lovellllly.
    6. Wuthering heights dance is legendary.
    5. HER VOICE!

    Ooh, plus she wanted to be a psychologist. Who knows? If you keep going to CAMHS then one day she might pop up as your psychologist? That's something not giving up for, right? xxxxxxxxx
  5. Prozac
    August 2nd 2009 09:59 PM - permalink
    dudeeette. she totally is that amazing!
    im glad you've 'sort of' fixed your ipod, it seems like it's being quite a painn :S
    driving is veeeery good ^_^ hehe, i love it <3
    aw jennn xxxxx
  6. Prozac
    August 2nd 2009 07:26 PM - permalink
    haha you should have realised!
    Did you know it was her birthday on thursday? I listened to her music allll day xD
    oh dear, im such an obsessive
    I hope you get your ipod fixed, I hateeee it when anything goes wrong with the laptop/internet or ipod because im so dependent on them haha. I'm not up to much, just went for a drive and now i'm watching wifeswap
    whaddabout youuu? xxxx
  7. Prozac
    August 2nd 2009 05:38 PM - permalink
    very annoying and confusing indeeedy.
    oh i know, i hate objecting to anything they say/do because I feel like theyll just be even more awful or something or say that theres nothing wrong and be bitchy about stuff I tell them.
    totally not fooooooked, if you are then so am I
    Gaffa is gaffa tape...like duck/duct tape? which sounds random, buttttt:
  8. NightmareVisions
    August 1st 2009 10:35 PM - permalink
    its alright, I do actually think I'm done anyway.
  9. Prozac
    August 1st 2009 10:30 PM - permalink
    Yup, nothing apart from 'I think you need to see a psychiatrist more permanently'....so they gave me a nurse? lol, doesn't make sense at all.
    If they do try to discharge you then just kick up a fuss and tell them that you really don't want to be discharged and if you have to go back to your GP. If you say that you need them they can't really say no, I'm guessing. I think they need to sort themselves out to be honest! Childline can be alright, I've used their internet chat thing a couple of times, but sometimes it just feels like we don't get anywhere. I'd keep using it if it's helping you, it sounds good You're not fucked and you don't have to give up :] You've got through such a lot already, Jen, i'm always going to be here for you and hopefully CAMHS will get their act together and something will be sorted for after Emily has left.

    Sweet dreams! :] <3 xxxxxxx
  10. Prozac
    August 1st 2009 10:12 PM - permalink
    Nopeee. My mental health worker was sure I was going to get some antidepressants because she was positive that I was depressed, but then the psychologist 'wasn't sure' and said something about perhaps having a disorder with highs or lows. Im guessing she was torn between major or manic depressive disorder, but that's just what I've assumed from what she's said. Omg I HATE the whole PMS thing! "So...is there any patterns you know...certain times of the month?" Er, NO otherwise I wouldn't be here or needing help all the time! Gosh, how it annoys me. My school counsellor LOVES asking me that

    Don't feel like you're in the way! They can't just drop you. You deserve help as much as anyone else does. Just keep telling them that you need help, they have to try and help you. Argh, saying that I hate the whole service in general. I guess that they are helpful when you actually do have them, though. xxxxxx

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    My name is Jen, I'm 17 :) I joined teenhelp about a year or two ago to get help for my own problems. I found such a caring supportive community and haven't been able to get away! There are so many amazing people on here and I love them all.

    I have just done my first year of college, I feel old already! My subjects are business studies, law and psychology. I am very interested in people and love to chat! In fact I never stop talking =P Im planning to go to university this september to do childhood studies :)

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