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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 33
  1. PickingUpThePieces
    August 7th 2009 03:32 AM - permalink
    heyy, i was just going through and i dont think weve ever talked, so i thoguht i would say hey :-]
  2. kimvia
    June 15th 2009 06:26 PM - permalink
    I don't know about the hormones, but it seems like it would be low hormones because i don't have any side effects. So far as how it feels, every now and then it can kinda slip down and you feel it, but it's not uncomfortable,and you just go to the bath room and adjust it. my boyfriend doesn't notice it when we have sex either.

    A trick for putting it in is to take the applicator from a tampon and sqush it inside that and put it in like a tampon
  3. Algernon
    June 15th 2009 04:42 PM - permalink
    How does it feel inside you? Does it have less hormones than the pill? Like Tri-Cyclen lo?
  4. Algernon
    June 14th 2009 10:22 PM - permalink
    So, I have to figure out a birth control method by the 16th, do you really like Nuvaring?
  5. Algernon
    June 10th 2009 09:47 PM - permalink
    I just don't understand why people do things like that... And the whole thing about the girls being lower than guys. Lol. He doesn't know what kind of fire he's starting with the type of women TH has.
  6. Algernon
    June 10th 2009 09:38 PM - permalink
    God I despise people that play games like that. I just like to smash them, lol. I know It's wrong, but they deserve it.

    I don't know about the privileges thing. I tried finding the thread and just couldn't find it. I'm not sure If I wasn't looking hard enough or something else was going on.
  7. Algernon
    June 10th 2009 09:18 PM - permalink
    WOW. I'm about to get myself an infraction by that creep. I really hope he gets banned.
  8. Algernon
    June 10th 2009 06:25 PM - permalink
    I did put in my two cents. Already done. Bam.
  9. Algernon
    June 10th 2009 04:48 PM - permalink
    I don't like it when people call themselves pansexual. I have friends who like to "pretend" they just like they way people "look" when clearly they are pretty much just denying they are bi-sexual. I think that It's silly that she got so riled up about it. She's probably a confused thirteen year old girl who is just attracted to beautiful women, because that's what she wants to be.

    Sorry I have a slightly different view on the word pansexual. I don't think It exists. If though you don't look at the gender, both genders have certain attributes, and I match the attributes with a gender. If you like boobs, you like girls. Right? You like girls. And you like guys. You're bi-sexual.

    I said "she likes what she likes" because I didn't want to get into this whole situation, and I thought It best just to keep my mouth shut about it around her.
  10. me89
    June 9th 2009 08:32 PM - permalink
    I started talking to this football player in his mid-twenties in late September2008. When he first met me we were flirting and he wanted help with his assignments. Going to his room one night a few weeks later I found out that “help” meant I do the work for him and teach him what I did because he does not have enough time to learn the material. I refused until he told me the assignment was due the next day. I agreed to do it that one time. From there a relationship blossomed into a romantic one in which I was also his tutor.

    I really started to like this person and give him a lot of my attention and time and vice versa and we hung out and spoke to eachother a lot. I knew he wasn’t doing all his assignments and other people were doing them for him but I was happy with “us”. When we returned Spring semester I slowly began to notice that he was seeming distant from me and it slowly bothered me. Questions were now being answered with a “huh” or “what”.

    In February I began to realize that we were different. He is VERY dead-set in what he wants to do and his ways and is VERY stubborn. When I begged him one night to get someone professionally to tutor and not just do the work for him he vehemently refused saying that it is too late for that. He wants and I quote “someone else to do the assignments for him so he can concentrate on football so he can go pro by December. After he gets his contract and makes his money he will go back to school and get the education he missed and repay all the people who did work for him and his family.”

    Also for the past 2 months I haven’t heard from him consistently and that bothers me the most. He will call for 2 days and when we hang up tell me that he’s gonna call right back then disappear for 5days to 2 weeks. I made a date with him at 5pm and he didn’t call me till 2am the next morning. Over spring break I didn’t hear from him for 2weeks. He said he forgot my number on his dresser. But since I was on campus he could have called the front desk for my room extension. This guy has numerous good qualities. I know the obvious is to talk to him but I have spoken to him about the way I feel now a few times. Things change for a couple days. I feel unappreciated, like I’m being taken for granted but I really care about him and I want it to work. Should I move on or try at it and why? I just want what we had 1st semester back.

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    PM me any time, ok? I'm always here to help.

    What's the second amendment for?
    Just in case the government takes away the first.


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