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Welcome me, I'm new!

keri12712 Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. escape♥
    September 6th 2012 06:32 PM - permalink
    I know what you mean. Just gotta get through it, its worth it. <3
  2. escape♥
    September 5th 2012 05:52 PM - permalink
    I'm doing okay. kinda stressed with school, but its all good. you?
  3. escape♥
    September 4th 2012 06:47 PM - permalink
    That is so sweet <3 thank you, I try and help as much as possible. I will definately keep in contact.
  4. Amorphous.
    September 4th 2012 09:58 AM - permalink
    Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooood hello awesome person. I have got to say, I read your love story about your boyfriend Scott and I am soooooooooooooooooo glad you got out of your relationship with that other guy and found Scott. He is one of those guys who will not hurt you, to a degree, you can tell.

    You deserve someone like that in your life.

    I know we have never talked before and I know you have probably gotten this a lot but your story was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally inspirational and only goes to show the power of love. This is the corniest I have never sounded in a post, I'm sorry LOL.

    I'm no doctor but I do believe you are suffering from a very severe case of love . Corninest to the max LOL . No, I'm kidding I'm kidding. Congratulations on finding the right guy, your story seriously inspired me.

  5. keri12712
    September 4th 2012 07:42 AM - permalink
    The moment when your heart skips a beat when I look into your eyes<3
  6. escape♥
    September 3rd 2012 03:13 PM - permalink
    Hey Keri
    I just wanted to thank you for being seriously inspiring. Your love story..is so amazing, and sweet. I'm dating the love of my life right now & we hope to get married one day. <3 Your story with Scott just proves that even as teenagers you can still find that one person in the world your meant to be with. Thanks, again. Oh, and I loved the blog post about your little boy.
  7. keri12712
    September 3rd 2012 05:06 AM - permalink
    These dreams that I have been having are reminders of all that I have experienced threw out my life. I wake up heart racing, heavy breaths, and tears down my face, it just does not feel real, until my flashbacks come into my head. I learned to walk away from them problems, but now they are catching up. & now, I realized walking away from you is not the way to go, I never would leave, but I feel like I led you to think I would.
  8. Tigerlily.
    August 31st 2012 09:11 AM - permalink
    Hey there welcome to TeenHelp, my name is Cheye, and I'm a Live Help Operator here. That just means that I answer calls through the Live Help system which you are welcome to use whenever it is online, which you can see near the top of the page, under the ads. Here are some helpful links that I suggest you check into:

    Introduce yourself here- http://www.teenhelp.org/forums/f4-arrivals-departures/
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    Our Terms of Service- http://www.teenhelp.org/terms/
    Code of Conduct- http://www.teenhelp.org/terms/conduct/

    If you need help with anything, feel free to message me. (Clicky to PM me)

About Me

  • Basics
    Keri Ann Cordero
    New York
  • About
    About me
    I am a teenager, happily engaged, Senior in high school, Sports lover, Love to conversate with others, Happy person.(:
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    In a relationship
    High School
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Soccer, Work, Camping, Drawing, Photography, Writing, House Wife, Reading, Shopping, & Watching Sports<3
    3 doors down, One direction, Nikki Minaj, Justin Bieber, Verticle horizon, Jermiah, Blink 182, Sum 41, Tyga, Lil wayne, (:
    Hard ball, Little Giants, Grown Ups, Twilight Saga Series, Longest Yard, Hot Chick, A walk to remember, The notebook, Dear John, Grease, The fighter, Fighting, (:
    Jersey Shore, Awkward, Family Guy, American Dad, Ny Ink, Saved by the bell, Full House, One Tree Hill, (:
    None really.
    Wake, Twilight Saga, Crank, Impulse, Burned, Glass, Identical, (:
    Soccer, Football, Basket ball, and Cheerleading(:
    My Fiancee, Father In law and My Father, (:
    Favorite quotes
    "Its not gonna be easy its gonna be really hard, we're gonna have to work at this everyday but I wanna do that cause I want you, I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday"<3

    "Saying 'Your my nemo' is me saying I'd search every inch of the world to find you" <3
    Other interests
    Long walks, Romantic dates with my fiancee, Relaxing, (:


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  • Last Activity: September 20th 2012 07:18 AM
  • Join Date: August 29th 2012
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