Aight well yesterday was A day but nothing really funny happened except I saw this guy I liked and walked into a trash can

then I tried to go around it and walked into it again. I felt stupid lol
Hehe today was funny

ok so 1st period was basketball...which sucked like hell lol. We ran, and ran and then ran some more -__- and my leg went numb so I was like dragging it while I was running so I prolly looked crazy

Then came biology, and I had to sit with this special kid (which I don't know why he was in an advanced class but whatever) and he kept irritating the hell out of me!! I was like I'm bout to hit you if you don't shut up. I almost got suspended..see we were playing this name game where you threw a beach ball at someone that you knew. So I get the ball and throw it at my friend, well apparently we were suppose to throw it under hand but I didn't and it almost hit her in the face. I was like, "I could get suspended for a WEEK for throwing a ball over hand on accident? Like what the heck!?!?!" everyone started laughing. Then we had to say 2 goals for the class are and mine were, "to pass." and "to be kind."

then I started hitting my feet on the floor cause it sounded cool...but that class was interesting
Ok, my all time favorite class now, world geography. So I walk in and see these people (friends): Kayla, diamond, Lauren, talison, Ashley, Samm, Monica....
So guess who I'm assigned to sit with? Monica and Kayla

and diamond sits in the group behind me with Talison. So I sit down and people start saying all the bad people and I'm one of them

and then the good kids say this, "oh boy this will be a fun class. Hines and Labiche together though...damn this is going to be a good class!" and the teacher is a guy, and it's his first year of teaching ;D so he is extremely laid back. Anyways, we do this thing to get to know each other and I'm like, "my name is Ashtyn..." and everyone says, "Hey Ashtyn!!!!!!!!!" I was like good lord people why didn't you do that to everyone else who went?? So it ended up with me on the floor laughing, Kayla with her head on the desk laughing and diamond standing up in the corner laughing

all because I kept making coments