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Average Joe

Katelina Offline

Country for life

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 247
  1. Agony
    August 18th 2012 04:13 AM - permalink
    No I'm fuckin not I even looked up online. It says I'm overweight actually.

    I think you should talk to him about everything that's happening, tell him you can't do a long distance relationship right now. I personally wouldn't try to talk him out of going...that kind of makes it seem like your taking charge. So ask him what HE thinks he should do, what he wants to do. Hear him out, then give your opinion in things.
    You said he told you that he loved you. Do you love him? That could change things too
  2. Agony
    August 18th 2012 03:20 AM - permalink
    No I'm not? I weigh more then most of my friends. I gained ALOT of weight during basketball season. I also started working out. I had a six pack but lost it :/ I'm not underweight though, trust me.
  3. Agony
    August 18th 2012 02:29 AM - permalink
    -__- I ain't too skinny. Trust me. There are girls that are way skinnier then me, I envy them.
  4. Amorphous.
    August 18th 2012 02:12 AM - permalink
    Hahaha, anytime LOL. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! .
  5. Amorphous.
    August 18th 2012 02:05 AM - permalink
    "Country for life" .
  6. Amorphous.
    August 18th 2012 01:43 AM - permalink
    I love the user title . Speaking of which, I commented on your blog post .
  7. Agony
    August 17th 2012 10:56 PM - permalink
    Ugh apparently now were leaving. I seriously wish they'd make up there mind. I'll go more into depth later but I think you did the right thing. He needs to know that you can't do a long distance relationship though, that will effect his decision. Like I said I'll go more into depth later but gtg
  8. Agony
    August 17th 2012 10:46 PM - permalink
    Nvm, we're waiting for something. Guess I'll just stay on here till my dad yells at me
  9. Agony
    August 17th 2012 10:25 PM - permalink
    I have to go, I'll read it tonight I promise. I hope everything between you and Forrest is ok.
  10. Agony
    August 17th 2012 10:16 PM - permalink
    Yea but jumping off something knowing your going to die gives you a good adrenaline rush. Why the hell do you think I wanna sky dive?

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    About me
    I'm 17 years old; my birthday is April 9th, 1995. I'm a country girl at heart. I used to barrel race before I had to put my horse down. I've been told often I'm an old soul, I have advised many people. My advice is not to be taken lightly, for I've probably been in every possible situation you can think of. I love paintin, readin, bikin, huntin, fishin, horseback ridin..etc.

    So shoot me a message, I'm sure I can help.
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