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Average Joe

JenniferxMarie Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20
  1. TheBabyEater
    April 30th 2010 12:41 AM - permalink
    Nice Hope he's warmed up to you, mine is taking awhile as hedgehogs can sometimes be almost antisocial... He has his moments. lol
  2. TheBabyEater
    April 30th 2010 12:03 AM - permalink
    That's awesome. How long have you had it? And nameee?
  3. Chaos Theory
    April 2nd 2010 12:11 AM - permalink
    Chaos Theory
    It got fixed. Stupid Mac stuff. Good warranty though. My best friend will probably die if energy drinks was to be banned in her school.....I went to a Catholic school and everything is just overly strict.
  4. Chaos Theory
    March 28th 2010 09:34 PM - permalink
    Chaos Theory
    That sounds like my school, everything was banned. Water bottles is banned because water fights broke out, which is retarded. They might as well banned student from entering the school entirely for all that matters. My charger for my laptop is broken so I don't even have any internet access for the entire week. Bah....
  5. Chaos Theory
    March 23rd 2010 04:14 PM - permalink
    Chaos Theory
    Good, haha, I like how your messages filled up my entire wall. And I am in UMass, also known as the Zoo, that's why I have all the choices of classes. And I would honestly prefer living in the middle of the woods than living in my city...just last night the 4th murder in a week took place at a home about a 10 minute drive from my parents' restaurant. Gotta love ghetto Springfield.
  6. Chaos Theory
    March 23rd 2010 04:43 AM - permalink
    Chaos Theory
    Heh, I have way too much homework. An engineering problem set, and a calculus extra problem set, a Psych test tomorrow. I feel so stressed...!!! And on that note, I am totally dominating your wall.
  7. Chaos Theory
    March 22nd 2010 07:43 PM - permalink
    Chaos Theory
    Heh, lucky. Turns out we are actually quite busy at night too...and I have to take care of my brother's science fair project and THEN my own homework. Whew. What a day.
  8. Chaos Theory
    March 21st 2010 05:16 PM - permalink
    Chaos Theory
    I am actually working right now. We don't have a lot of lunch business yet, so they are fine with me goofing around on my computer. Haha. Well, lets hope your work today is more than pleasant.
  9. Chaos Theory
    March 21st 2010 05:10 PM - permalink
    Chaos Theory
    Well, I can't change that part, so might as well make a laugh out of it. Haha.
  10. Chaos Theory
    March 21st 2010 05:05 PM - permalink
    Chaos Theory
    Haha, that would have been my guess. I work in my parents' restaurant, long hours, no pay, because apparently I am volunteering for them. Rubbish, forceful volunteering isn't much different than slavery, I tell ya.

About Me

  • Basics
    Upper Michigan
  • About
    About me
    My name is Jennifer Marie...
    I was born in the small town of Ironwood, Michigan
    that is the upper part for all of those who don't know.
    I work part-time, and am in highschool.
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    In a relationship
    High School
    K-mart employee
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Reading, Writing, Cleaning, Babysitting, hunting, fishing, four-wheeling, camping, coloring, walking and Doing Work.
    pop, punk, rock, country, indie, classic rock.
    Breakfast Club
    New Moon
    Cry Baby
    Army Wives!
    16 and Pregnant
    Teen Mom
    House M.D.
    Twilight Series
    my grandfather.
  • Signature
    Jennifer Marie
    "learn how to apologize, learn how to say
    'i love you' to someone other than your cat
    and mean it, learn how to express yourself,
    learn how to smile a "fuck you"
    regardless of the outdated traditions,
    the talentless critics or what is fashionable or give up."


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  • Last Activity: July 26th 2011 03:55 AM
  • Join Date: February 13th 2009
  • Referrals: 0


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