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Average Joe

Jazzz Offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 131 to 140 of 263
  1. Power Cosmic
    August 20th 2009 06:57 PM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    I wouldn't say fun...it's actually distinctly not-fun, but its needed, which sucks .
    Out of the people you've mentioned, I've met Jade and Jamie before, Jade around about this time last year and Jamie in Birmingham around christmas-y time. And damn you, you're lucky =P. We should totally just have the meet in Glasgow instead >.>
  2. Power Cosmic
    August 20th 2009 12:23 AM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    Yeah, unfortunately I can't...I'm ridiculously short on money, and its gonna cost quite a bit for me to get all the way down to London and stuff.
    Plus its my girlfriend's birthday very soon afterwards and she's down in the south of England, hence I can't afford two trips in a short space of time and I kinda need to prioritise .
    It sucks though, I was looking forward to it. Now all I need to do is spontaneously win the lottery before Monday ^^;
    As for how I am...I've been better, kinda hungover, but much better than I was this morning/afternoon..
  3. Power Cosmic
    August 19th 2009 04:16 AM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    Hehe, that I am ^_^.
    How've you been keeping? =)
  4. Naomi.
    August 16th 2009 11:13 PM - permalink
    Hehe lub you to xD
  5. Naomi.
    August 16th 2009 10:02 PM - permalink
    xD whoooop xD
  6. Naomi.
    August 16th 2009 08:17 PM - permalink
    And cheerleaders xD *\o/*
  7. Naomi.
    August 16th 2009 07:47 PM - permalink
    Guess what? X|||D Looks like a fish xD
  8. Naomi.
    August 16th 2009 05:46 PM - permalink
    Just thought i'd let you know you're awesome xD xxx
  9. Paul.
    August 15th 2009 11:45 PM - permalink
    ah! you just left! Now I'm going to have to panic the whole travel time there!

    I can't wait, and I hope I'm everything you want me to be. xxx <3

    ps. You didn't give me you're number so hopefully I won't get lost or deported. I'll just ask someone that knows it lol.
  10. eunoia
    August 15th 2009 01:42 AM - permalink
    Haha. Welcome back. And thank you. How're you doing, eh?

About Me

  • Basics
    Carboard box behind sainsburys
  • About
    About me
    Thought now i am a LHO i should probably tell you a little about me.
    My names Jaz, and i live in a cardboard box behind Sainsburys (supermarket).
    I have just turned 18, and am quite happy to be so, I have two cats, a car called Eddie and a pink laptop called Lou.
    I have recently become obsesed with Twillight, but am not so keen on the 2nd and last books, as they were to predictable. Still I <3 Edward Cullen. Imn my spare time i am a cat eating and sleeping all day= genius.
    I think thats about it, but im always here if people need a rfrienf and i will write more later.
  • Details
    Here for
    Need help for a problem
    Relationship status
    Sixth form / college (UK)
    Very liberal
    Zodiac sign
  • Signature

    I can FLY!!

    Never growing up!

    I Believe in fairies


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  • Join Date: January 31st 2009
  • Referrals: 0


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