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Welcome me, I'm new!

Jaimee Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    August 2nd 2014 07:56 PM - permalink
    Aw, thanks so much! I'm so glad I could help!
  2. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    August 2nd 2014 04:47 AM - permalink
    Hey there! I'm Dez.

    You have a lot of awesomeness going on. Your profile colors are really nice, and also, I like BOTDF and Jeffree Star as well! And Frozen. And Orange is the New Black. And Cards Against Humanity. So in other words, you are a pretty darn awesome person and we have things in common, so yay. We're also close in age, I'm a year older.

    I responded to your thread a few days ago, I hope I was able to help! Besides that, though, I hope that you have been able to get all of the help and support you need on the site, and are willing to maybe come back in the future and use our site some more, whether for support or for friends. One great place to make friends is the Chat Room!

    If you're ever looking for a more private way to get support, though, you can always use Live Help when it is online (the button will state when it is online). This is a one-on-one messaging service between you and a Staff member. Or, use HelpLINK, which is like an email system.

    If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask!


About Me

  • Basics
    Jaimee Smith
  • About
    About me
    Hi, I'm Jaimeee :3
    I'm 17, gender queer, and pansexual. I'm living with my extremely religious, extremely conservative family in the Bible Belt so it's safe to assume I'm in the proverbial (though highly fabulous) closet about everything. I'm working towards becoming a nurse, though my passion has changed and I want to become a photographer in Arizona and capture people's emotions in film. I get along with everyone as long as they're nice. I'm really awkward though so it's hard for me to keep a conversation going v.v; sooo yeah
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    Single and not looking
    High School
    Very liberal
    I'm sort of a religious mutt :3
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Is the internet a hobby?
    Crying over fictional people
    Fixing typos I notice after an absurd amount of time has passed, whoops
    Marilyn Manson
    Jeffree Star
    Suicide Silence
    The Used
    Pretty much anything
    Men in Black
    Scary Movies
    Harry Potter
    Orange is the New Black
    Cards Against Humanity
    Harry Potter
    Riders of the Apocolypse trilogy (Hunger, Rage, Loss)
    Umm yeah, no lol
    My friends
    Jayy Von Monroe
    Laverne Cox
    Dahvie Vanity
    Favorite quotes
    "Sometimes the hardest thing to wear is our own skin." JVM
  • Signature
    When no one is watching that's when you're You.


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
Helpful Postings
General Information
  • Last Activity: November 4th 2014 12:04 PM
  • Join Date: July 28th 2014
  • Referrals: 0


  • Points: 5,803
  • Level: 11
  • Points: 5,803, Level: 11 Points: 5,803, Level: 11 Points: 5,803, Level: 11
  • Level up: 23%
  • Points needed: 847
  • Level up: 23% - 847 Points needed Level up: 23% Level up: 23% - 847 Points needed
Points for user
  • Points for User: 5,684
  • Per day: 5,472
  • Visitormessages: 2
  • Filled profile: 210
Points for threads
  • Points for threads: 66
  • Threads: 20
  • Tags: 5
  • Replies: 2
  • Views: 39
Points for posts
  • Points for Posts: 14
  • Posts: 14
Points for miscellaneous
  • Points for Misc: 40
  • vBulletin Blog: 40

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