Hey There!

Welcome to TeenHelp!
My name is Christina and I am a HelpLink Mentor here on the site and I am really glad to see you have joined. I know at first all of this can look a bit antimidating or a bit confusing so I am going to make a few suggestions and give you a few links.
First you may if you would like introduce yourself in the Arrivals and Departures forum:
This is a nice way to get to become friends with other users and be welcomed to the site.
If you are looking for how you can receive advice such as through HelpLink, LiveHelp or the forums; the threads labeled "Sticky" on top of the Arrivals and Departures forum should help you find the information as well as let you know how to post in the forums.
Just about every forum has a sticky or multiple sticky's that either have rules for the specific forum or give advice on certain issues or on what to do in certain situations so do not hesitate to explore the forums and read the sticky's: They can be really helpful.
If you are wanting to make friends and just chill out you can chat in the
chatroom with many other users.
TeenHelp also has many other features and you can find them through exploration.

If you ever get stuck on something and need support I am here if you need me and no matter who you reach out to, most people will be more than willing to help.

Also look for the lime green people; they are buddies and are waiting for you to ask them questions in order to help out.
I hope I've helped you so far.
Take care and be safe.