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I've been here a while

InTheFlood Offline

Walking In The Sun...

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 102
  1. dancer
    August 6th 2009 03:57 AM - permalink
    looking forward to the post!
  2. dancer
    August 5th 2009 07:02 AM - permalink
    You're definitely good enough. Your poems are always really original and not trite or anything, which is really cool. I feel like my stuff sometimes seems a little... done a lot, I guess. But yeah, I understand feeling like one could do better. I went through a really awful stage where I was pretty sure all my poetry was worse than the stuff I had written in second grade. But don't worry, your poetry definitely waaaaay surpasses that

    Keep writing!
  3. dancer
    August 5th 2009 06:45 AM - permalink
    Read your poems. How much more do you want???

    But seriously, you are a good writer
  4. dancer
    August 5th 2009 06:41 AM - permalink

    Sorry about the vagueness. I meant your ridiculously good writing ability. But I don't know if that's transferrable
  5. savealife723
    August 4th 2009 09:49 PM - permalink
    you're welcome [:
  6. savealife723
    August 4th 2009 09:42 PM - permalink
    you should get more confidence in your writing.
    i don't think anything else i've read in my entire life has had that much impact on me.
  7. savealife723
    August 4th 2009 09:38 PM - permalink
    Oh? Haha. Wow. Well you're really good! [=
  8. savealife723
    August 4th 2009 09:32 PM - permalink
    you're welcome. how long have you been writing?
  9. savealife723
    August 4th 2009 09:28 PM - permalink
    Oh gosh. You're Live And Let Die in self-expression; it was beyong amazing. it was sooo good. (:
  10. hammer2fall
    July 27th 2009 02:40 AM - permalink
    I'm a huge queenie! Brian May is my idol. (I'm a guitarist... and I think he's awesome)

About Me

  • Basics
    Waiting On A Second-Hand Pick Me Up
  • About
    About me
    . I am honest I say what I see, if I see it I say it. Some people don't like that, but I'm past caring what other people think.

    . My friends mean the world to me, and the ones I've got now, I'm not letting go for anyone or anything in the world. I love you all.

    . I LOVE music and musicals.

    . I try to write poetry check my stuff in the self expression thread. Also I have no shame when begging for feedback from it.

    . It's Someone Else's Story, In Someone Else's Lifetime

    . There's a Red Sky. Overhead tonight. That's how I know. It's gonna be alright
  • Details
    Here for
    Here To Listen And Hopefully Be Listened To
    Relationship status
    Sixth form / college (UK)
    Student/Wannabe Writer
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Theatre, Music, Writing, Being a geek :p, Hanging out with friends, reading (books and fanfiction)
    I love anything and everything.

    But, McFly will always be #1
    Thomas Michael Fletcher
    Danny Alan David Jones
    Dougie Lee Poynter
    Harry Mark Christopher Judd
    I don't care if its not "cool"
    They mean a million times more to me than all the haters in the worlds opinions.

    Also a mention to Lady Gaga, who has given me the confidence to start being myself regardless of what people say or think.
    And REALLY loving Lawson at the moment
    The Green Mile, A Beautiful Mind, Legally Blonde 1+2, All Harry Potters, The Rocker, The Rocky movies, Sister Act 1+2. Any classic Disney movie. Of all time though, gotta be Forrest Gump, "Run, Forrest Run!" XD
    Glee, House, Hogan Knows Best, Big Bang Theory
    Theme Hospital, The Sims
    Harry Potter, The Shopaholic Series
    All of McFly
    But especially..
    Thomas Michael Fletcher.
    I actually love him not in a teeny bopper "OMGZ I WANT YOUR BABIES" way.
    But genuine adoration thankfulness and worship.
    Because of his amazing talents as a writer, performer, musician and artist.
    Because music is my heart and soul and he is spearheading that love
    Mostly because his writing and music is the reason I'm still standing today.
    They saw and see me through the darkest times
    7 years and counting..
    "McFly Till We Die"
    Forever and always <3
    Favorite quotes
    "Girls, men are the most horrible creatures they will ruin your lives every time. You should all be lesbians! Tell your parents its Katy Perry and Lindsay Lohan's fault." - Michael Buckley
    Other interests
    I Really Don't Know What I'm Doing :(
    I'm In WAY Over My Head...

    P.S <3333 McFly specially Thomas Michael Fletcher =D
  • Signature

    "Another year over, and we're still together.
    It's not always easy, but McFly's here forever
    I know you believe me, when you look into my eyes
    'Cause McFly never dies, because The Heart Never Lies!"


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  • Last Activity: June 11th 2013 06:16 PM
  • Join Date: January 7th 2009
  • Referrals: 0


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