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Oh it's going to be fun watching a veteran debater go against a thick-headed music enthusiast in that Slipknot vs. BFMV thread.
I'll try to chip in if I feel informed enough on the topic to not make a fool of myself or just talk myself into a corner.
I have to say, I always enjoy seeing threads which you've posted on just for the sake of seeing you debate with someone (most, if not all of which you have won hands-down).
It's perfectly fine to stick up for yourself, however, it's better to do it in a civil way without being rude, regardless of how rude the opposing party is.
You're right. I did make a thread about making peace. I just think most of the people that posted were very against my views. I don't think It's right to let them walk all over me. I was just sticking up for myself.
You confuse me, but I enjoy debating with you. I'm sorry I had to bail out of the 3:16 thread, as I would have liked to reply to your post, but it would have taken quite a bit of time to explain, and even when I explain I tend to muck things up. Were you on the board before it all got wiped out?
LOL it is! I went from not knowing much and trusting him (bad idea) to taking matters into my own hands.
Thanks for replying to my thread. I didn't know what tactile hallucinations were until I looked it up. That was the first time it's happened to me.
Yeah it's fun to do that. One of the psychs was asking all these questions and I answered no to a few then asked "you're testing for OCD aren't you" ... "yes" ... "I don't have it" lol. Very fun to do.
Mhmm that's why I'm studying psychology and psych medicine (who knows how many books I've read so far). I have a feeling I'm being messed with so I want to be ahead or at least on the same page as them.