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Welcome me, I'm new!

i_like_black Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 231 to 240 of 529
  1. Palmolive
    April 5th 2013 09:01 PM - permalink
    thankyou for the kind blog comment, it meant the world to me. I hope you're well x
  2. Halcyon
    March 28th 2013 09:27 AM - permalink
    I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling a lot. Take your time, lovely. You know where I am if you want to talk. I can send you virtual Easter eggs.
    Be safe, be awesome, and I will look forward to talking to you whenever you feel up for it.
  3. Halcyon
    March 27th 2013 10:45 AM - permalink
    I wouldn't mind if it's your mess.
    I love your awesomeness. <3
  4. Storyteller.
    March 26th 2013 11:32 AM - permalink
    Wait wait wait, you DREW your avatar? Could you GET any more awesome?
  5. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    March 25th 2013 10:48 AM - permalink
    Stay strong.
  6. Storyteller.
    March 23rd 2013 04:16 AM - permalink
    Thanks for the blog comment. Don't know what I'd do without you. <3
  7. Halcyon
    March 22nd 2013 09:01 PM - permalink
    Thank you for the blog comments. <3
  8. Halcyon
    March 21st 2013 10:55 AM - permalink
    I'm sorry there's a lot going on.
    Likewise, you know where I am if you want to chat. <3
  9. Halcyon
    March 21st 2013 10:54 AM - permalink

  10. Storyteller.
    March 20th 2013 09:26 AM - permalink
    Thanks for the blog comment. I love you. <3

About Me

  • Basics
    Boobs and pubes
    Right here.
  • About
    About me
    HelpLINK Mentor since 05 November 2013. Go me!
    You should be aware that when I'm in chat, I tend to be relaxing. If you'd like my advice or opinions off HelpLINK, then sending me a private message is the way to go. I tend to be a bit hit-and-miss with the advice I give when I'm chat.

    Ex-gymnastics coach with sport and nutrition obsessions.

    Part-time cook, because nobody else will make my dinner. I also do housewife duties - you know, wash the clothes, do the dishes, clean the bathroom, make the bed.

    I get lonely. I'm torn between saying I want a relationship and waiting for the right person. It's tough at times.

    I've just finished 6 months of DBT. I will be repeating all of the modules (unfortunately) because I'm not quite ready for the grad group, and because my therapist feels it would be beneficial, and I trust her judgement.

    I'm planning to become a Peer Support Specialist in the not-too-distant future. I've recently discovered that I'm quite passionate about helping people and I seem able to connect well with most people. Also, hey, getting paid to help people and be positive and use recovery language? I'm sure I can do that.

    I started my Peer Employment Training on 04 November 2013, and if all goes according to plan, I will graduate on 13 December 2013.

    I'm also back doing some casual warehouse duties, mostly devanning. I'm enjoying the sense of purpose it's giving me. As a result I have a bit of spare cash, so I've joined a gym because it has a pool. I love swimming, and now that my mental health isn't owning my ass so regularly, I feel that my physical health should be a priority.

    Recently I got to 10 weeks and 2 days self-harm free. It was the longest I've ever been. I'm back at 1 week and 1 day, but I started my "official" count on 01/11/2013, and I'm going to attempt to count in months this time.

    I have quite a lot of history with mental health, I've been in the system since I was a teenager. I currently have an absolutely amazing psychologist, and the rest of my team is great too. As a result I've started to feel like I'm making progress, and I'm finding I like that feeling.

    It's not easy and it doesn't get easier. I'll tell you that right now. But sometimes you find something that makes it worth it, and that makes it [I]feel[/I] easier.

    I love with a fierce heart.
    I am an intense and passionate person, although quite shy and not always sure how to interpret other people - my concept of other people can be surprisingly limited at times, especially when I'm unwell.

    I don't know where I'm going in life. But I will travel the world in search of something until I find what it is that makes me tick. And once I find it, I will work it until it kills me.

    Edited in a very shaky place. 07 November 2013.
  • Details
    Here for
    teh cookies.
    Relationship status
    If you're the right person, let me know.
    Limited to homosapiens.
    NZ European
    Some tertiary. (Incomplete)
    Professional RuneScaper; Professor of Awesome and Procrastination.
    When do we get to kill the politicians?
    Religion is an institution. I believe in a Creator.
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    RuneScape (user name Viscus_Aduro if you're interested), petting the cat, lifting heavy weights, gymnastics, going for random late night walks, reading, eating, playing my instruments, writing, drawing and painting, sleeping, being awesome.
    I am just too lazy to list what music I like. If I'm bopping my head in time, singing along, or generally looking like I'm enjoying it, then I like it.
    Monty Python's Holy Grail; anything with Johnny Depp although particularly Pirates of the Caribbean; Kung Fu Panda; The Simpsons Movie; Harry Potter; Mulan; The Road to Eldorado; The Lion King; and various RomComs/chick flicks that I am unlikely to admit to watching.
    The Simpsons; Family Guy; Futurama; The Big Bang Theory; Two Broke Girls; Road Cops; Police 10-7; Necessary Roughness; 7 Days; Whose Line is it Anyway?; Target; Orange is the New Black; Dog Squad.
    RuneScape; Pokemon; Mah Jong Dark 3D; Scrabble; Chinese Poker; Candy Crush Saga.
    Anything Stephen King; Harry Potter; any joke book I can get my hands on; various educational; various children's; I like magazines too.
    Gymnastics; Olympic-Style Weightlifting & Powerlifting; Cycling; Swimming; complaining about the effort required to run.
    Sir Edmund Hillary; Sir Ernest Rutherford; Albert Einstein; Randall Munroe (author of XKCD); every Olympic medallist ever.
    Favorite quotes
    "Being good at being stupid doesn't count."

    "Two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not so sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

    "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure." - George W. Bush, Jr.

    "Dyslexics of the world - UNTIE!"

    "A dyslexic man walks into a bra . . ."

    "God made
    Adam bit
    Noah arked
    Abraham split
    Joseph ruled
    Jacob fooled
    Bush talked
    Moses balked
    Pharoah plagued
    People walked
    Sea divided
    Tablets guided
    Promise landed
    Saul freaked
    David peeked
    Prophets warned
    Jesus born
    God walked
    Love talked
    Anger crucified
    Hope died
    Love rose
    Spirit flamed
    Word spread
    God remained."

    "Whoops I just wrote for you to not know anything. That wouldn't look good, you saying your psychologist told you not to know anything." - my psychologist, having a tired day XD
    Other interests
    Psychology; Pharmacology; (thank you WikiPedia); trolling n00bs on RuneScape; bragging; shoes; skateboarding; snowboarding; tumblr; boobs.


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Blog - Being good at being stupid doesn't count.
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  • Join Date: February 23rd 2010
  • Referrals: 1


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Latest Blog Entry

Posted August 3rd 2019 at 08:27 AM by i_like_black Comments 1
Posted in Uncategorized
Or in a fruitier phrase, the sh*t has hit the fan.

So, in June I lost my grandfather around the same time as I was re-homing my dog. My dog had bit another dog (she was just about to go on heat and had never previously shown any signs of aggression), but the lady I gave her to said she was clearly not an aggressive dog and after all was still a puppy.

I found out today through the new owner that the council decided to prosecute her, and as a result, she will be destroyed....

Posted July 19th 2019 at 08:39 AM by i_like_black Comments 3
Posted in Uncategorized
So, I have ordinary days now. Let me take you through today.

I got up, volunteered at the local food bank, went to visit some family, ate dinner then went to NA.

That's literally all I did today.

On ordinary days I still have some cravings. Sometimes I miss self harm. Sometimes I miss drugs. But missing these things doesn't mean I'm going to go back to doing them, and seeing how much I've grown without them makes it easier to get to the moment where I...

Posted July 15th 2019 at 08:16 AM by i_like_black Comments 3
Posted in Uncategorized
It's just after 9:00P.M. and I just finished reading my "most recent" blog post.

Oh boy I was in a terrible way back then.
For those who are interested, I did end up spending a holiday weekend in prison at one point in 2016. I was very unwell at the time and my offending had climaxed. I won't go into it here.

Then, around the middle of 2016, I decided it was time to move out of the area. The very day I decided this, there was an affordable unit in a...

Posted January 2nd 2016 at 07:25 AM by i_like_black Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Am I depressed? Don't know.
So much that I don't know.
Got my wishes. Sleeping lots, and the weather's been great for this because it's been raining off and on a fair bit for the last few days - I think it started raining just after I got home from hospital.

I had to spend most of the night for medical reasons - they said my heart was working too hard because of the speed it was going at. I had hourly ECGs for 6 hours or something. It was a rough night, I remember...

Posted December 26th 2015 at 05:58 AM by i_like_black Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
I've had like, three sleeps today already and I am not done with sleep yet. And every time I sleep, I fill the gaps between the things I want to be doing without getting bored. Because my attention span is very short and because I get tired really fast. Cognitive fatigue. It's one of my early warning signs but I am sticking to sleeping to fix it because ew meds.

I've actually had a pretty good couple of days. Terrified about the new year but oh well. Can't make time move faster.
Recent Comments
Sorry to hear you lost...
Posted August 3rd 2019 at 12:01 PM by Celyn Celyn is offline
Like Celyn said, ordinary...
Posted July 22nd 2019 at 12:42 PM by
I am really proud of...
Posted July 20th 2019 at 09:23 PM by Lil'OrphanAnnie Lil'OrphanAnnie is offline
Ordinary days matter...
Posted July 19th 2019 at 05:31 PM by Celyn Celyn is offline
I'm glad you're doing...
Posted July 16th 2019 at 12:29 AM by Philomath Philomath is offline

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