Welcome me, I'm new!
* HoneysweetPanda Offlineこんにちは、お元気ですか? |
Last Activity: May 3rd 2013 01:32 PM
About Me
- Basics
- Name
- Nikita
- Gender
- ♀Intersex♂
- Location
- Somewhere over the rainbow♬♪♩
- About
- About me
- I'm just a little Ukrainian bigender guy/girl (I prefer to be adressed as a guy though despite only being 40% a guy and 60% a girl).
I love cute stuff and pandas (hellyeah!) And I hope to study graphic design when I finish highschool.
It's kinda funny saying Im ukrainian but not living in Ukraine, but thats how things are OuO I like to blAme my dad,its his fault that we're not in Ukraine anyway.... well, his and his boyfriend's :D
Weird household is weird!
- Details
- Here for
- Like to help and be helped
- Relationship status
- I'm dating someone ewé he's awesome ♥
- Sexuality
- Homosexual/Gay or lesbian
- Ethnicity
- Caucasian/White
- Education
- High School
- Occupation
- I've wasted my whole life in school |||Or2
- Politics
- Apathetic
- Religion
- Atheist
- Zodiac sign
- Taurus
- Interests
- Hobbies
- ★Writing
★cooking, baking sweets, making bento
★reading - Music
- ☆ Portishead
☆ Vocaloid
☆Dir en grey
☆ An Cafe
☆ С.К.А.Й. - Movies
- I like everything gore-ish, horror movies and the like, Im not really into comedy or romance movies cause they are DULL. But I like Disney movies, and God my guilty pleasure is The phantom of the opera, and musicals in general OuO
- Television
- Anime, of course. All of it. Well, no, I dont like Hentai or ecchi. I like yaoi though ewe
I like Adventure time too. Do nazi and soviet cartoons count as "television"? - Games
- Sonic the hedgehog series, Assassins Creed series, The Sims, Ninja gaiden and so much mooore!
- Books
- La mecanique du coeur, Lolita, Goosebumps XD
- Sports
- Judo and swimming mostly
Sometimes gymnastics
And hockey but I dont like playing in girls teams so forget it (・へ・) - Heroes
- Chernobyl liquidators, those are real heroes!! .3.
- Favorite quotes
- "If life gives you lemons....make grape juice and wonder how the eff did you do it!" XD
- Other interests
- Anime, manga, gore, kawaii stuff, pandas, etc.
"Rolling Girl always looked at unreachable dreams Making a fuss if you got inside her head and disturbed, disturbed. No problem. Was murmured, but weren't those words lost?" - Wowaka ft. Hatsune Miku (Rolling girl)