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I can't get enough

her_beautiful_mistake Offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 90 of 212
  1. L'espoir
    August 22nd 2010 11:42 AM - permalink
    Hey Rach!

    I just wanted to say Im so happy for you and proud that you got into that uni you wanted to! You worked soso hard and it clearly paid off, congrats
  2. Casey.
    August 22nd 2010 03:35 AM - permalink
    That's not what I meant at all Rachel. I know you didn't. What I meant was, you don't know how much that meant to me, to hear that from someone.Sorry, my words don't always come out right. I know a lot about EDs too, as I do mod that forum and I have one, but I couldn't do it professionally. Not at all.
  3. Casey.
    August 20th 2010 08:03 PM - permalink
    Baha. I'm the only Mod for Current Events beside the SMods. And thanks Rachel. I actually know someone who was diagnosis as Anorexia when they weren't underweight.But apparently they were severely malnurhished. You know more about medical stuff then I do. Although, I'd argue that having an eating disored at all influences your mentallity. I do get what your saying though. And, thanks. You kinda made me feel better without meaning to. (Don't ask me how ) :] (And we should so talk more when we aren't arguing.
  4. Casey.
    August 19th 2010 08:17 PM - permalink
    I do know this Rachel. But I was trying to make the point. The criteria for diagnosing ED's is quite silly anyway. I have EDNOS, but if I was severely underweight, I'd be Anroexic. I do know this xD. I did want to make a point though? I hate that thread. Sorry Rachel, I can change it to be accurate if you like? To be like, 'eating disorder' instead of anorexia.
  5. losing touch.
    August 19th 2010 02:32 PM - permalink
    losing touch.
    thanks! i'll be celebrating tomorrow.
    na it's the best thing to do. i'm sure you feel emotionally and physically drained after today..! x
  6. losing touch.
    August 19th 2010 02:13 PM - permalink
    losing touch.
    hows the weather where you are now? ehh i see what you mean. i'd be inclined to sleep and save yourself for tomorrow night or just don't have a crazy night - stay somewhere local and have a chilled out night. i'm going to a results party tomorrow night.. to celebrate my non-existant results haha.
  7. losing touch.
    August 19th 2010 12:42 PM - permalink
    losing touch.
    i already said in the thread but congratulations. i'm SO happy for you!! you deserve it after all your hard work. xx
  8. Thurineth
    August 16th 2010 11:11 PM - permalink
    where in scotland you going to study?
  9. Melody Pond
    August 14th 2010 11:05 PM - permalink
    Melody Pond
    I tried to fold it and run last year but the teacher giving too me practically shoved it in my face and told me what I got so it was pointless anyway.
    My maths teachers are on holiday which is great because I know I have done terribly and I know it sounds like I am making excuses but I mostly blame them for how badly I have done and I would probably shout at/hit them if I didn't get into Uni because of a bad maths grade.
    I really hate one of my bio teachers so I don't care what she thinks but if I have done badly I will feel so bad for disappointing my other teacher who stayed behind 2 nights a week to help me with stuff.

    On my GCSE results day my R.E teacher ran over and hugged me before I even had my results and I said to her I don't even know how I have done yet and she told me, I didn't mind that because it was only GCSE and she is my favourite teacher anyway. Now I don't want to see anyone, I am getting my mum to drive me there, I will get out get my results and dive back in the car and go home

    My brother is home from Uni this wee which is perfect timing because I am going to use him to help me fix it since he has been through all of this before
  10. Melody Pond
    August 14th 2010 10:16 PM - permalink
    Melody Pond
    Yeah, I've been trying to ignore it but my boyfriend keeps bringing it up. Today I actually started crying when he mentioned it. I have heard it will update between 8am and 10am. My school doesn't open until 11am anyway which I think is really rubbish for if I need to phone clearing.
    Our school doesn't give us it in an envelope, we just get given the piece of paper straight out so everyone can see what you got, pretty rubbish really because I planned on going somewhere quiet and private to open it.

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