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I've been here a while

Green Yoshi Offline

The screwdriverneedsgas!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1311 to 1320 of 1728
  1. Chai.
    May 22nd 2014 03:29 AM - permalink
    I know :/ My mom forces me to take it
  2. Chai.
    May 22nd 2014 03:13 AM - permalink
    I ma nursing a cold and sore throat myself and they suck! and I hate honey :P
    I hope your goes in a few day
  3. Chai.
    May 22nd 2014 03:03 AM - permalink
    Hey thank you for commenting on my thread <3
    That really means a lot
    I am feeling a lot better in the last two days
    How have you been?
  4. OhMyLorde
    May 20th 2014 09:15 PM - permalink
    I'm so happy you're doing better! I'm home sick today... Oh well it's nice being able to relax a bit!
  5. Spirit.
    May 20th 2014 07:18 AM - permalink
    That sounds like a good plan! Haha, it's not childish at all. It's called living in the moment. Something that's preached so often and never really practiced. I know that though I get sad, I enjoy feeling it sometimes knowing that if I didn't, then happy wouldn't make me feel as good as it down. I listen to the sound of my heart beating and just breathe in the moment, because I know I'll never get it back. So, no, it's not childish at all.
  6. OhMyLorde
    May 20th 2014 01:02 AM - permalink
    Thanks for everything. How are you?
  7. OhMyLorde
    May 19th 2014 02:20 AM - permalink
    I just wanted to thank you for your comment on my post. It really really meant a lot to me. Thanks so much.
  8. Spirit.
    May 18th 2014 02:38 PM - permalink
    Of course you are. You are to me
    Thank you so much!

    Yeah? That's good! I'm so glad to hear you're doing good! Have you narrowed down anything, for what you want to do, with your future, I mean. Like working at an NGO for example?

    Yeah, so I'm feeling much better after I read your post.
  9. Spirit.
    May 17th 2014 08:14 PM - permalink
    I was just thinking of sleeping when I saw that i got an email saying someone responded to my thread. And when I read it, it pretty much made me tear up. You are so special. Thank you. I'm just drifting off to sleep, so I'll for sure reply to your VM an post when I wake up thank you being there for me when I need it. x
  10. Spirit.
    May 17th 2014 06:11 PM - permalink
    I was thinking of you the other day you know? And wondered if you were still on TH. I've been missing the familiar faces and I was so happy to see that you decided to stay here a while

    I'm good. Going throigh a bit of an adjustment phase.
    I'm done with my undergrad, a few weeks ago. I'll be going to the UK for my masters in Applied psych. And as excited as I am, I've been feeling kind of meh.

    You?? x

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    Cute Dinosaur Island!
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    About me
    i've made so many mistakes and that i would like to learn how to correct them .
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    Here for
    Like the site features
    Relationship status
    not single. :P
    we'reallunited :)
    University - Postgraduate
  • Interests
    Learning new things about new matters. and also helping out other people, or trying to anyway :nosweat:
    Anything that isnt bad :)
    maybe a little bit of joking counts .
    none at the moment.
    Other interests
    Trying to do stuff about problems and overcoming them.
  • Signature
    It's called a tunnel because there's ALWAYS a light at the end.

    rant to me if there's anything!



    As usual... pm me if you are ever having a tough day, and I'll respond immediately.

    You guys deserve to be happy no matter what.. okay? You people are a bunch of lovelies ... and no matter what, you people deserve to be happy.


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  • Join Date: January 13th 2011
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