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Junior TeenHelper

Goatboy Offline

Full-time Vicarious Vampire

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Showing Visitor Messages 491 to 500 of 503
  1. Elliee
    May 9th 2010 10:26 PM - permalink
    Honestly.. if theres one thing about me, its I speak my mind, if you would have offended me, trust me you would have known,
  2. Elliee
    May 9th 2010 10:06 PM - permalink
    Hey don't worry, I didnt mean it in that way! Its okai, tbh, i do question my beliefs almost everyday, like its sorta a 'is this real thing; most of the time. i question my faith almost everyday as well, so no worries there! And I totally understand where you're coming from, having been bought up with various religions.. But at the end of the day it was my choice which I choose.
  3. Elliee
    May 9th 2010 07:18 PM - permalink
    I watched the videos, and according to them i'm obviously a bad Christian. LOL.. Tbh, I think that as long as you believe in God and follow his rules.. Then you're safe sorta thing. Not saying you should never pray just I don't think you should be judge on whether you're a Christian or not on it if you know what i mean. Sorry if it doesn't make much sense.
    And about the French, that no problem.
  4. Elliee
    May 9th 2010 01:23 AM - permalink
    Thats pretty awesomes! Hope you sleep well <3
  5. Elliee
    May 9th 2010 12:55 AM - permalink
    Haha, its cool no worries at all. You;re not bothering me.
    I'm French myself and grew up there mostly, its my first language and stuff so yeah I love France. <3
    And i miss it
    But UK is better for opportunities
  6. Elliee
    May 9th 2010 12:35 AM - permalink
    Oh and i'll be happy to help with your french
  7. Elliee
    May 9th 2010 12:34 AM - permalink
    Hey I read it and what you said is very interesting. Obviously I cannot convert you, it is YOUR choice and yours alone but I believe that as you say you are at a crossroad which I believe is a challenge from God. And I also believe that no matter what you choose it will be the right decision. Perhaps you could speak to one of your teachers at you current college as well, get their opinion, it could help. I'm assuming of course that they believe in God. Anywai, if you need any support or anything I'll be more than happy to try my best.

  8. Goatboy
    May 8th 2010 09:38 PM - permalink
    Thank you so much for your testimony! Oh you should aid me with my french lol
    Anyway I can see what your saying, and you've obviously gone through more than me and stayed strong in your faith - and I really respect this. This is why I often would read about the Coptic and Palestinian as well as Assyrian Christians who are suffering immensely for their faith. But its not the idea of life being hard on me that is the issue, in fact I was very willing to be tested and wanted to go to help those who are persecuted because I believed that by doing this I would find pure Christianity. After all, don't the 'narrow paths' make us better people - isn't humility what we all need. Converting to orthodox Christianity would have been tough, and may have caused problems with parents and friends (which is why I kept it secret). I also really respected the mysticism and ascetic life style of eastern Christianity, and I would have been very open to becoming a monk (seriously) later in life. What is troubling me is that I firmly believe that God is love -PERFECT LOVE. And the old testament certainly doesn't make God sound that friendly. Genocide, smashing babies on rocks, stoning those who weren't religious enough or committed 'sin'. Though of course you could point to Jesus and the woman who committed adultery, and the fact that he said we shouldn't judge people. However he also criticized the Jews for not following a law in the testament in the Bible which said disobedient children should be killed.
    Becoming a deist felt like I had gone through a trial of fire, and had come out 'naked like a babe' - with only pure faith in God. This meant I didn't need to be plagued with the issues I had with 'revealed religion'. However it also feels like I've just broken up with a lover who I still am in love with (ie. Christianity). Becoming deist has meant I have lost some things in my life which I feel like I need. And Christianity offered these. I used to love praying, reading lovely Bible passages, I felt like I was on a mission and that I was part of something greater than myself. It was like a rock I could rely on, especially when I needed it the most. I also feel it made me a better person, it gave me self-discipline. It constantly reminded of the importance of humility and since Christ carried his cross for us, so we too must carry our crosses. Not for ourselves but for everyone else as well.
    The Orthodox Church seemed like the only church I could turn too. I love it's beauty. The fact that it existed when the Church of Rome was insignificant and on the verge of collapse. It was the Church which gave us the Bible. It has suffered more persecution than another other Church (along with the Assyrian Church), and yet is the most stable. I could go on with this praise for a long time.
    However let me go back to it giving us the Bible. The Bible came into being because Emperor Constantine was worried about his empires stability. (Please note this is from previous study _ I may have some facts wrong) Though he may have made Christianity the official religion there was much disagreement among Christians. There were countless Gospels. The BIG question was which Gospels were canonical. So he ordered all the Bishops to meet, and form what we now know as the Bible. This was 140 yrs (may be wrong)after the apostles set out (the Koran was formed 20 yrs after Mohammed's death). And my problem is once again with the Bible. Do we really want to base our lives on a book formed on an Emperors command. Yet I still find myself wanting to be christian. I currently go to a Roman Catholic college (that's what they call it), but have nearly finished and are then going into proper college. And when Gospel verses are read out in form, I find myself wanting to believe. I have also been told about Laminin for the second time from a Christian speaker, and though its no proof of the Gospels it still is interesting to think about, especially when deism tells us we can find God in nature. Personally I am still considering after college hours have finished to go to the local orthodox chapel to watch services. I just can't shake Christianity off. However I will only become Christian if it is for the right reasons. At the moment I am probably just seduced by the culture of eastern Christianity. I want to go to Church not for the beautiful liturgy, mysterious icons or to be part of a group. Nor do I want to listen to some preacher, I want to listen to God, I want to hear him/her from my heart and soul. And I can't find God in the Bible. Deism still seems right for me, maybe this is all just backlash from dropping the burden of 'revealed truths' which I have believed in for such a long time. I suppose I also feel close to the Unitarian Universalist Church which ironically is on the other side of the spectrum from Orthodoxy. And if I am to belief in something I have to go all the way, and have no niggles or be uncomfortable with anything. This is my dilemma and I know I can only sort it out on my own, but I need as much help as possible. I believe God has helped me through my whole life and guided me. It seems however he has now taken me to a crossroads and given me a massive choice. I now must use reason, which God gave, to sort this mess out – even if it takes the rest of my life (and shortens it). Thank you for reading! (sry for the length but I needed to order my thoughts into words and get them off my chest).
    Peace and love
    Silver Jackal
  9. Gingerbread Latte
    May 8th 2010 09:15 PM - permalink
    Gingerbread Latte
    You had a talking rabbit?
  10. Elliee
    May 8th 2010 03:29 PM - permalink
    Hey there!
    Let me tell you my story!
    I grew up in a Christian family in France, went to church every Sunday. My dad was a pastor you see and so I was seen as the pastors daughter. Obviously at a young age you don't understand everything and so it never meant much to me. It wasn't until I went to a Christian camp at the age of 11 that things realli began to kick in for me. Although I had stopped going to church and stuff, I went to a catholic school. I thought I was on the right path etc etc.. I went back to camp for 2 years in a row. At the age of 12 my parents spilt up and , to me that was a disaster.. I stopped going to church, didn't pray, i didn't care about Christianity basically. I moved to the UK with my father who then later kicked me out and I was placed in the hands of social services.It wasn't until I got invited to join my local Girls Brigade Company that I started thinking about my faith again this all happened between 2004/2009. I went to the club and gradually I started going back to the church. At this stage i just sorta went for friends.. it wasn't too bad it was a baptist church and i much preferred it. It didn't seem so heavy. I went to a big Christian camp called Soul Survivor in 2007. WOW is all i can say about it, it was such a tremendous experience that I gave my life to god for the first time ever. I felt so overwhelmed. From then on faith took a diff approach to me, I wanted to be a Christian, and I wasn't ashamed of it. I kept going back and back to this camp as well as going to church and getting more involved. I got baptised in December 2007. As soon as I got baptised my best friend died, and i went through a hard time of abuse and other stuff.. I neglected god and stopped going to church for a whole year. Although I kept going with the Girls Brigade it didn't mean anything to me no more. Then I was speaking with my youth leader one day and my whole prospective on life changed once again, and has stayed the same since. God loves you no matter what, no matter how many times you turn your back on him, he always welcomes you back. The tough times he puts you through he has planned them, he knows you're going to get through them if you just trust him and believe him. Life is full of challenges.. just because you're a Christian doesn't make life any easier.

    Thats my testimony I don't know if it has helped you at all. If you have questions feel free to ask.

About Me

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    UK - Essex
  • About
    About me
    Currently residing in the Zone, can be found at the wish-granter.
    Will soon be starting star craft and delving into some brotherhood alchemy...
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    More of a agnostic atheist now lol
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    Music and lot's of other pretentious crap ;P
    OK this is easier:
    Shaun of the dead; children of men; Lord of the rings films; all the alien films; a history of violence; once upon a time in the west; 28 days later; Ghost in the shell 2.0; The lady killers; batman; the dark knight begins; full-metal jacket and many others
    Stargate series; Wallander (English + Swedish); Battlestar Galactica; Fringe; all sorts of documentaries on all sorts of things; the news; Scrubs; Frasier;
    1. Thief 2
    2.Medieval Total War 2
    3. Alpha Centauri
    4. Half Life series
    5. Jade Empire
    6. Age of Empires 2
    7. Far cry
    8. Mount and Blade
    9. Deus ex
    10. Stalker
    11. Time-splitters series
    12. Left 4 dead 2

    Some times the old stuff is the best
    Books on philosophy; books on journalism (eg. Robert Fisk's The Great War For Civilisation); Tolkien; Earthsea; other fantasy books; Genghis Khan series; sci-fi and much more
    Judo - had to quit though because of a back injury
    hmmm, myself :P
    and maybe some astute individuals
    anyway praise be to our lord(s) and master(s) foamy the squirrel, MJK, BH and GC!!!
    Favorite quotes
    The lyrics of numerous songs, and the musings of certian individuals - ie too numerous XD
    Other interests
    And err lots of stuff :D
  • Signature
    Life is a waterfall,
    we're one in the river,
    and one again after the fall.
    We drink from the river,
    then we turn around and put up our walls.
    When you lose small mind,
    you free your life.
    When you free your eyes,
    eternal prize.


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