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Junior TeenHelper

Goatboy Offline

Full-time Vicarious Vampire

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 411 to 420 of 503
  1. Union Of V
    June 23rd 2010 04:25 PM - permalink
    Union Of V
    Would I be right in describing Pagan Atheism as "an interest in pagan beliefs and traditions and the practice of said traditions, without a religious belief in the pagan system of deities"? In which case as a furry I completely understand it! But I wonder if it might not be best left outside the "religion" sphere...
  2. Union Of V
    June 23rd 2010 04:12 PM - permalink
    Union Of V
  3. Union Of V
    June 23rd 2010 01:11 PM - permalink
    Union Of V
    Venting your rage on the forums can be beneficial, at least you won't end up unleashing it on your family!

    My advice is to just "observe" what they say, as if you're studying their points of view, and not being the subject of them. Don't reply unless it's a direct question or you have a perfectly irrefutable quip for them.

    The quiz's early answers seem to steer atheist beliefs down a single path, so I'm not too surprised by the results:
    1. Theravada Buddhism (100%)
    2. Unitarian Universalism (86%)
    3. Secular Humanism (78%)
    4. Mahayana Buddhism (73%)
    5. Nontheist (69%)
    6. Liberal Quakers (68%)
    7. Neo-Pagan (67%)
    8. Taoism (57%)
    9. New Age (54%)
    10. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (54%)
    Top 5 atheist/nontheist/practically nontheist? Not surprised. (As an aside I was part of a humanist group when I was a child, possibly my parents trying to fill in the lack of a religion in my life? Too late, I was already interested in the concept of mortality at that stage - so much for that...)

    Don't see how you keep getting Quaker though...
  4. MWF
    June 23rd 2010 03:37 AM - permalink
    I looked it up in the dictionary, it said they are Jewish people trying to rebuild Isreal or something like that. Are they terrorists or something?
  5. Twinge
    June 22nd 2010 11:15 PM - permalink
    oh i pant too,then i drink water and then stop. im sure you know that dogs pant when we sweat. its the same thing. and its weird! in fact,everything is weird now... lol and the thing that im going to bed now.its 1am currently.
    where to start... im afraid of blood but vampires are very intriguing,not kidding about that. im actually crazy about them but hate blood. its contrast.
    South Korea is soo far. in the east,people,like Chinese,are very good in clothes as in robots too. theyre made to create. ive never seen a lazy Asian. Americans are lazy,and so am i.
    by the quote from Reverend Maynard,i get that hes a writer. i like it actually. yes,life is a book. i wrote my short autobiography once. and i said my life has 3 chapters for now. the 3rd just opened,and its going to get tensed... so,everywhere you go or do,its life. no dead scenes. just that theres 2 kinds of people here. the 1st one will pay attention to where they go,and write every single moment,thinking about time,which passes really fast. the other kind lives by the theory to not pay attention to time,not to spoil it,but to enjoy it. its not the thinker type. ok,well,i just came up with that. i think too much,maybe i gotta stop.
    people do cheat,but fate will give them credit for cheating. or it will get back at them. but they never know.

    so,its hot there,LUCKY YOU. lol you have no idea how cold and rainy today was. like London in Sherlock Holmes series i used to watch. i dont get out,its just so cold... actually,i only get out when my family needs help or when i want to gaze out. theres so much to express in clouds. its not that dark as people say it is. and my cat is usually there to hear me out. things change in a minute when i get out. then i forget about everything,after convincing myself.
  6. Twinge
    June 22nd 2010 08:28 PM - permalink
    yuck hamsters! i love kittens. lolz well not really. i got some kittens and mice in my roof. couldnt sleep cause of that. im actually sick too,of stress.
    the same happened to me with revising/studying. i got all maths the whole year.on THIS exam,i didnt show my smart skills,like i used to. and that night i revised,i couldnt sleep even though i was calm. and did a lot of work. i guess its fate. things getting back at me. i couldnt concentrate,i was tired. and snitchy teachers. one was fat,ok i get why he was snitchy. but the fit lady was supposed to be nice and let us cheat! would be good. the other two groups were cheating on the test,i heard rumors.

    ohh and the design thing,you'll see that ... maybe in september,i hope we will get to make things there.cause of the fact that god created people so they could create themselves. its amazing! the feeling when you finish your drawing,or a poem,song...when i finish my novel all over and over again,i know its worth something. ok,i jumped of the point now. when you create,when you finish and fulfill it, you fulfill yourself. as you keep creating what you want to create,the feeling continues. the lazy ones are never satisfied,thats why its a "sin",and its true. trust me,i know. im mostly lazy. and thats when i think im the worst,im ashamed of myself. if i do something,i feel different. it just changes.
  7. Union Of V
    June 22nd 2010 07:11 PM - permalink
    Union Of V
    As far as I can tell it was a parody originating from here

    Yeah, religion... meh... I've got a theory about "religious maturity", it's a measure of a person's ability to comprehend and accept beliefs other than his own. A religiously immature person has difficulty handling the thought that the world may be different to how he perceives it, and may react to such suggestions with violent, emotional outbursts. Signs that a person may be religiously mature include objective consideration of multiple points of view; acceptance of alternate spiritualities; knowledge of a wide range of theological ideas; and/or confident beliefs which differ significantly from those offered by a familiar religious institution or community.

    If I get enough people to sign a petition I might be able to get it entered into DSM...
  8. MWF
    June 22nd 2010 05:12 PM - permalink
    did you say not to look at the condom with teeth thing? (current events) I actually think its a good idea against rapes.
  9. MWF
    June 22nd 2010 05:09 PM - permalink
    whats a Zionist? I dont know. Pretty cool he got kicked off though, right?
  10. MWF
    June 22nd 2010 05:05 PM - permalink

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    UK - Essex
  • About
    About me
    Currently residing in the Zone, can be found at the wish-granter.
    Will soon be starting star craft and delving into some brotherhood alchemy...
  • Details
    More of a agnostic atheist now lol
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Music and lot's of other pretentious crap ;P
    OK this is easier:
    Shaun of the dead; children of men; Lord of the rings films; all the alien films; a history of violence; once upon a time in the west; 28 days later; Ghost in the shell 2.0; The lady killers; batman; the dark knight begins; full-metal jacket and many others
    Stargate series; Wallander (English + Swedish); Battlestar Galactica; Fringe; all sorts of documentaries on all sorts of things; the news; Scrubs; Frasier;
    1. Thief 2
    2.Medieval Total War 2
    3. Alpha Centauri
    4. Half Life series
    5. Jade Empire
    6. Age of Empires 2
    7. Far cry
    8. Mount and Blade
    9. Deus ex
    10. Stalker
    11. Time-splitters series
    12. Left 4 dead 2

    Some times the old stuff is the best
    Books on philosophy; books on journalism (eg. Robert Fisk's The Great War For Civilisation); Tolkien; Earthsea; other fantasy books; Genghis Khan series; sci-fi and much more
    Judo - had to quit though because of a back injury
    hmmm, myself :P
    and maybe some astute individuals
    anyway praise be to our lord(s) and master(s) foamy the squirrel, MJK, BH and GC!!!
    Favorite quotes
    The lyrics of numerous songs, and the musings of certian individuals - ie too numerous XD
    Other interests
    And err lots of stuff :D
  • Signature
    Life is a waterfall,
    we're one in the river,
    and one again after the fall.
    We drink from the river,
    then we turn around and put up our walls.
    When you lose small mind,
    you free your life.
    When you free your eyes,
    eternal prize.


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