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Welcome me, I'm new!

girl_pants Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 161 to 170 of 201
  1. L'espoir
    January 17th 2010 05:32 PM - permalink
    I get distracted too easily as well

    Bad TH *kicks*
  2. L'espoir
    January 17th 2010 04:57 PM - permalink
    hahahaa I have so much work to do [still] and I am procrastinating it and coming on here instead [yet again]. I blame TH if I fail my exams
  3. L'espoir
    January 17th 2010 02:09 PM - permalink
    Lucyy, done anymore work lately?
  4. L'espoir
    January 11th 2010 09:50 PM - permalink
    Hey Lucy

    Hope you had a nice day!
  5. *.Good.Things.Coming.*
    January 6th 2010 08:13 PM - permalink
    hey...whats up???
  6. KiwiGal
    January 5th 2010 03:18 AM - permalink
    i love you too hun, loads and loads. you a friggin awsome friend ily <33334
  7. L'espoir
    January 4th 2010 09:30 PM - permalink
    Sometimes being invisible is good, sometimes it kinda sucks yeah? I agree though its horrible asking for help, i have an anxiety problem and it makes things so so hard and yeah it's necessary for your teachers to know about the probs but I used to just not talk to them anyway Now though I tell my mentor about everything thats going wrong [lucky her ] and she talks to all my teachers for me so i dont have to. I really hate talking, ew.
  8. L'espoir
    January 4th 2010 08:11 PM - permalink
    me too, as soon as you finish stuff you get more piled on you! Ew college will be even worse though At least in high school i have a mentor and the teachers know me so i can do what i feel up to doing but in college it will be horrible and icky

    I need to get my teachers to help me too but i dont like to talk to people so that might be a bit of a problem This is why I am always falling behind and stuffs, because I refuse to talk to people, hmmmm
  9. L'espoir
    January 4th 2010 07:04 PM - permalink
    haha well i finished it, not very well, but i still finished!

    I got into school today though and realised i still have tons more to do
    Business studies c/w
    Food tech c/w
    Geography case study
    Extended project
    Science revision
    German speaking c/w

    Oh deary me, I am never going to get any of this finished... I'm trying to meet with my mentor though on wednesday so hopefully I can see her because she gets me all organised lol as I am pretty hopeless with it...
  10. L'espoir
    January 3rd 2010 09:06 PM - permalink
    Oh dear lol i have a mentor but i like her, except for when she tells me i have to do my work

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    Hey, I'm Lucy and I'm 18 years old and will be 19 in September.
    I don't have much of a life and love spending most of my time here. This will imply more when I leave college and only have to work four hours a day :)
    I love helping and talking to people so please feel free to message me, I'm always here for people.
    If you don't find me around I will be causing trouble at either my Boyfriends or at work :P
    I'm hoping to go to Uni in September but I doubt it will happen.
    Thankyou for taking your time to read my annoyiness and good luck to you all :P
  • Details
    Here for
    For the cookies
    Relationship status
    In a relationship
    Sixth form / college (UK)
    Shop Assistant
    They're all as bad as each other
    Kitty Cat religion
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    I live like a hobbit and don't do hobbies :P
    Waterloo Road and CSI are my babes :P
    Harry Potter of course :)
    Hunger Games series :P
    Cathy Glass' books
    Anything with words :P
    None, it involves moving and I'm too lazy for that :P
    Favorite quotes
    Good things always come to those who wait <3
  • Signature


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  • Join Date: July 4th 2009
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