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Average Joe

franz1 Offline

Out of the box thinker

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 20
  1. Rivière
    February 15th 2014 08:42 PM - permalink
    I thought I saw a new member of staff, welcome!
  2. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    February 15th 2014 07:31 PM - permalink
    Congratulations on making LHO! You'll do great.
  3. PSY
    February 15th 2014 05:06 PM - permalink
    Welcome to Staff! =D I'm Robin, the Volunteering Officer. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about anything staff-related at any time! =)
  4. cookiesamilk
    February 2nd 2014 02:50 AM - permalink
    Hi, I just saw your comment on my poem (I Hate You.) and it was really nice I'm glad (but also, not glad at the same time) that you are able to relate. Lol, sorry I didn't see it sooner! But thanks And if you ever want to talk, feel free
    Stay Strong
  5. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    January 26th 2014 05:46 AM - permalink
    Just wanted to say thanks for the response to my thread.
  6. ÅŋġĕĿ ǒƒ Đăŗﻼηεξς ‹з
    February 26th 2013 10:29 PM - permalink
    ÅŋġĕĿ ǒƒ Đăŗﻼηεξς ‹з
    Hiiii honey.
    I love you!
  7. CanadaCraig
    March 14th 2010 10:54 AM - permalink
    Hi Brady!!
    I hope you're having a scooby-dooby day!! lol
    Thanks for accepting my friendship request.
  8. WashoutThePain
    May 24th 2009 01:12 AM - permalink
    Just wanted to say, you have been bumping some pretty old threads. Just try to stay current (as in, don't post on threads (in the General forum especially) when they have been inactive for over 10 days)

    If you have any questions feel free to ask
  9. WashoutThePain
    May 24th 2009 12:23 AM - permalink
    I'm Amy!
    Welcome to TeenHelp
  10. rockerbabe12292
    May 16th 2009 06:44 PM - permalink
    Hi there, and welcome to TH! I hope this message finds you well. I encouage you to post an intro and to check out the chat room. If you have any questions or just want to chat please send me a message.

    Have a great day,

About Me

  • Basics
    brady shaw
    Sioux Falls, South Dakota
  • About
    About me
    Legally blind 18 yr old who loves to help and be helped.

    In the end, Music is your only friend.
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    Working on G.E.D
    TechNet Studio's starting a company.
    Don't even get me started.
    Not really sure anymore.....
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    helping people.

    Whatever speaks to me at the present time.
    Lately, Syfi....but a good comedy here and there.
    never really watch but when i do i like


    Favorite of all time is and will always be SANCTUARY
    No time anymore......
    harry potter series

    twilight series

    the face of death, shadow man,...Anything by Cody McFadyen
    don't play any
    No one in my life to call a hero right now.
    Favorite quotes
    Henry - Threat level "holy crap". Check.

    Helen: I'm someone who has chosen to embrace the broad spectrum of our reality.

    ​“Levity helps keep far more insidious things at bay.”
    Dr. Helen Magnus, “Sanctuary For All”

    “Feeling safe is something we all need.”
    Dr. Will Zimmerman, “Sanctuary For All”

    “We learn more from failure than from success.”
    Nikola Tesla, “END OF NIGHTS” PART II

    “Life without purpose isn’t… life.”
    Will Zimmerman, “PAVOR NOCTURNUS”

    Helen Magnus, Sanctuary for all, Part I, II
    "You are a student of the human animal. You see things, you read
    things in behavior that, that I believe cut across the variations of
    outward form. Where others see stubbornness and failure, I see great
    potential. Good doctors come and go, but the great ones have always
    seen beyond the boundaries of science, beyond the known. The great
    ones dare to believe in the unbelievable. "


    "You turned what it supposed to be a symphony into rock'n'roll! French-Canadian rock'n'roll!!!"

    John:Memory is a fickle companion

    How did you know it wasn't me?

    Like I said, it's the little things.

    The less we use our eyes...

    Welcome to reality.

    I'm happy to be here.

    [Helen and Ashley exchange hand signals]

    I got "I'm going in" and "go around" but what was that wiggly one you did?

    "Either we work together or we die." Let's go.

    --By far the best motivation and trust
    Will: This remind you of anyone? A certain literary figure?
    Magnus: Your hero, Sherlock Holmes?
    Will: And his seven percent solution. You know, we could just...declare amnesty. Forget about everything we said.
    Magnus: Amnesty, yes. Forgetting? No. Look, Will, you need to understand, you were never part of some master plan. I may have a long view of things now, but the first time 'round, I was taking chances, just like anyone. When I asked you to come here, I had no idea if it would turn out to be a brilliant move or a total disaster.
    Will: And?
    Magnus: Many disasters, most brilliant. I had 113 years of not knowing if I would ever see any of you again. What if something I'd done in the past had changed everything?
    Will: But it didn't.
    Magnus: Watching everything unfold again, for better or worse. Watching every mistake I made play out again. I had to let terrible things happen, Will, and do nothing to change them. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
    Will: Wow. Don't I feel like the jerk.
    Magnus: You didn't know because I didn't tell you.
    Will: Because you carry the whole weight yourself.
    Magnus: I always have.
    Will: I'm not your protege anymore, Magnus.
    Magnus: Not after everything you said to me in the caves, you're not.
    Will: I need to be your partner.
    Magnus: Ah.
    Will: And I think it's time you told me what you've been hiding since you got back.
    Magnus: Not yet.

    He sighs heavily, not liking her answer.

    Magnus: You'll know when you need to, I promise you. Until then, Will, you just have to trust me.

    Magnus: There you are. Haven't seen you all day.
    Will: I just needed some space.
    Magnus: As long as you're not hiding from me.
    Will: No.
    Magnus: Will, you obviously have something to say to me.
    Will: Besides thank you for saving her?
    Magnus: That's not very sincere. Out with it, please.
    Will: It worked. It did, but...That procedure should have never happened. But you never met a compromise you didn't steamroll right through. This hit close to home...
    Magnus: And...
    Will: You shut me down.
    Magnus: You've been a wonderful soldier, Will. You have done everything I've asked you, and more. You could run this Sanctuary, hell, the entire network, brilliantly. Because you always fight for what you believe is right. Even when we disagree. I'm not too proud to admit that I am very used to getting my own way. Sometimes to a fault.
    Will: Right...Don't think you're going to melt me with that... ...British charm of yours.
    Magnus: Perish forbid. You never compromise, Will, and that's the man I hired to be my protégé.
    Will: How am I doing?
    Magnus: Honestly? I couldn't be more proud.
  • Signature
    Helen: I'm someone who has chosen to embrace the broad spectrum of our reality.

    ​“Levity helps keep far more insidious things at bay.”
    Dr. Helen Magnus, “Sanctuary For All”

    “Feeling safe is something we all need.”
    Dr. Will Zimmerman, “Sanctuary For All”

    “We learn more from failure than from success.”
    Nikola Tesla, “END OF NIGHTS” PART II

    “Life without purpose isn’t… life.”
    Will Zimmerman, “PAVOR NOCTURNUS”


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  • Last Activity: January 27th 2016 05:37 AM
  • Join Date: May 14th 2009
  • Referrals: 2


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