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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 25
  1. Hope
    January 3rd 2010 06:31 AM - permalink

    thats good.
    it was alright pretty mellow lol (not normal for me)
    i was waiting for my boyfriend to come see me then i just went out with him after my family went to bed
    and how was yours?
  2. Hope
    December 19th 2009 09:01 PM - permalink
    It's ok i got over it and found someone who didnt just want in my pants

    So how have you been?
  3. Hope
    December 16th 2009 01:15 AM - permalink
    That is sweet that is cool your boyfriend was there for you. My x took off when i told him so i had to deal with everything on my own.
  4. Hope
    December 15th 2009 11:31 PM - permalink
    Cool sounds funn thats good when i found out i was pregnant i almost died then i had a miscarriage and i was soooooooooooooooooo sad :/ it sucked.
  5. Hope
    December 7th 2009 10:09 PM - permalink
    hey whats up??
  6. ShAtTerEd HeaRt
    December 2nd 2009 01:13 AM - permalink
    ShAtTerEd HeaRt
    well see he told me (and its bene researched but it depend on the person) that when he does pot he just becomes really relaxed and calm and will just sit back and relax. he told me thats what happends to him. he says his adhd isnt really bad at all he just told me he gets paranoid at times from his parents and i think hes on medication for it cuz he forgets a lot and stuff. thats one of the side effects you will possibly have if you take it but i dont know.
    do you think besides the beating people up thing,
    that what you think from everything else jake told me that i should get back together with him?
  7. Hope
    December 1st 2009 11:25 PM - permalink

    maybe you should get a test soon?
  8. ShAtTerEd HeaRt
    December 1st 2009 11:02 PM - permalink
    ShAtTerEd HeaRt
    That does help (:
    My friend is cousins with joshia and he knows a lot about him and how he acts since hes known him for years. i trust Jake about it and stuff. he told me the brekup thing and what he said was probley mostly true, but he said he wouldnt be suprised if he lied to me about some of it so he wouldnt hurt my feelings becuz he was falling for another girl. trust me, he knows what hes talking about. he told me when i was with my bf he cud tell he had something on his mind that he wanted to do with me the whole intire time. he didnt love me for me, he just wanted uknowwhat with me. and that was it. he cud tell it was obvious by the look on his face and stuff.
    the thing is is i believe jake but do you think its a sign he wasnt thinking that if he didnt pressure me into it and respected what i wasnt comftroble with doing? becuz he respected my space and when i told him i thought we went to far he wud say he was sorry and felt bad about it. but it did look like he wanted it, he even told jake he may do it with me. jake also told me he punches people for know reason at all, beats people up for no reason at all, beats up his brother brutally when they get in a fight and his little brothers 8. he does stupid stuff for stupid reasons, hes disrespectful to his parents all the time, (ignores em, ect.)
    he calls his uncle and cousin retarded, says stuff about people behind your back, lies to you, hes done marijuana multiple times, drank beer, and licker. he lied to jake that he only did marijuana one time. he told me he did it multiple times but said he wud stop if i wanted him to, hell sweet talk you but in reality he doesnt mean what so ever and will do anything to get a girl with him,

    i asked jake if he honestly thinks joshia cares about the people he goes out with. he told no he probley doesnt he sweet talks you but he doesnt mean it.
    and i really do think none of it was real either. i cant trust josiah. i dont trust him.

    what do you think josiah cud be doing from all this?
    like what may be causing him to do this?
    and do you think i should go out with him again when we get the chance?
    and do you think hes getting with girls becuz of being paranoid by his parents or just not feeling well with himself?
  9. Hope
    December 1st 2009 10:40 PM - permalink
    yea np

    thanks its my boyfriends baby
    I was prego i had a miscarriage about a month ago :/

    How far along do you think you are?
  10. Hope
    November 30th 2009 03:26 AM - permalink
    it was good how was yours?

    you go to support forums and then go to the subject you want and when you get to the list other ppl have posted you look at the very first thread and like above it it says new thread thats where you click

    thanks for the pc

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    Taylor Layne
    A Small Town In Texas
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    About me
    Well My Name Is Taylor Layne Wilson! I am FAR from your average teen! I LOVE to go hard! I love living a bit extreme! I am a punk girl! So dont mess with me! LOL seriously tho you make me mad it aint pretty! I LOVE going to concerts! My soon-to-be in-law is in a band and i go with them to watch them play alot and they getting pretty famous! I'll put up a vid sometime so you can get a taste :) lol I can be really funny and random! My true homies and the stuff and nothin could replace them! one of my best friends is mixed and another acts black! LOL i also have 4 asian friends that are funny as hell! I am not racist but will say racist stuff sometimes but all in good fun! i LOVE HALO 1 2 3 & ODST and SOUL CALIBUR they are my kinda games! umm wanna kno more? message me or ask 4 the cell # :)
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    all forms of: Screamo, Metal, Rock, Alternative & Punk
    Some: Pop, Emo, Country, Techno, Rap
    I dnt watch much tv but when i do watch it i normally watch
    Scrubs, George Lopez, Home Improvement, International Sexy Ladies Show, or what ever else is on the tv
    Soccer Pool and Tennis
    Favorite quotes
    "He Gave Her 12 Roses 11 Real 1 Fake & Said 'I'll Love You Until The Last One Dies'"
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