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Average Joe

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Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 63
  1. Lady Stripey
    January 29th 2009 05:36 PM - permalink
    Lady Stripey
    eh I'm alright for the time being. I'm just taking it all one day at a time. how about you?
  2. losing touch.
    January 29th 2009 01:29 PM - permalink
    losing touch.
    aw thanks. yehh i'm great thanks! spent the day in winchester today freezing my ass off thoughh and i'm still thawing out!
    good day?. x
  3. Hero_Of_Blade
    January 29th 2009 01:03 PM - permalink
    we all suppress something
    the truth is... it's unhealthy
    by supressing we make ourselves take on personalities we don't want
    and it's unhealthy

    you said a while ago that i seemed like you, which was stubborn
    and yes I am stubborn til the very end. =]

    I'm like a bad cold, you just can't get rid of me

    open up to me.
    Stop suppressing, become the person you want to be
    you know you can.

    and if i'm a saint the world is fucked xD
  4. Hero_Of_Blade
    January 29th 2009 12:41 PM - permalink
    You couldn't hurt me
    trust me people have tried =P
    I'm very... unwoundable

    Experience teaches that pain leads to strenght, and the stonger you become the more pain you can handle/

    Don't get rid of your account. if people are stuid enough to assume anything about anything... well you know what they say about assumption.
    They make idiots of those pretending to be something they are not.

    and I'm already broken... I don't think I can be broke anymore.

    and you're right I am stubborn, I don't go away and I never give up.
    So I'll stick around til you aknowledge the fact that I'm here to help

    and yes many people say I'm not a monster... but many people haven't seen what I am capable of physically, and mentally.
    But of course I suppress such vile things, like rage and hate. but I cannot deny that I am dangerous.
    I cannot deny that there are aspects of me that I hide so much that if they were ever released.... well I would become a demon.

    You're a saint, well you seem to be.
    Willing to throw yourself down for people, well that deserves some payment no =]
    you need someone to rely on.
  5. Hero_Of_Blade
    January 29th 2009 12:34 PM - permalink
    The light doesn't come for monsters like me *shrugs*

    have you ever caught a butterfly before?
    Butterflies used to land on me, and when I was young I didn't understand how fragil butterflies where.
    Everytime one landed on my I'd stroke it's wing.
    Did you know that touching a butterflies wing breaks it?

    It's actually quite the metaphor for my life, everything I've ever touched has broken.
    Monsters like me, Light stays away incase we break the light.
    I als stay away from the light because I don't want to break it.

    Butterflies still land on me, but I know better now. Don't touch what I can break.

    This is why I help people, and don't let them help me.
    I don't want to hurt or 'break' them.

    I may be broken, and I may be a horrible monster but I'm not evil and I don't want to hurt anyone, or anything. Not a single thing.

    Ugly.... I think I am, but I'm not entirely sure anymore.

    like I said.
    I'll catch you should you fall.
    I'll catch anyone should they fall.
  6. Hero_Of_Blade
    January 29th 2009 12:27 PM - permalink
    I'll catch yu, not matter how far you fall.
    I'll always be in the darkness ready to catch you and lead you into light.

    and that's okay. Just be careful your eyes don't melt from teh uglyness xD

    Happiness does exist, for everyone, it's just elusive
    like a butterfly it runs from those who aren't yet willing to accept it.
    Once you're ready to accept yourself happiness will help you better yourself.

    You're strong, don't let up, You'll find yourself.
    Darkness may be everlasting, but so is the Light.

    Improve.... hmm
  7. Hero_Of_Blade
    January 29th 2009 12:19 PM - permalink
    I care if you break
    maybe it might not mean much, but I do care =]

    You've got more than you think to offer
    don't sell yourself short =]

    You've got things to deal with, people can't expect you to be 100% until someone helps you back on your feet.
    I might be that exact person, but I can do my best until that person comes along

    You'll find happiness, you'll find stability.
    You just got to keep on looking
    Keep on fighting =]

    and there will be people you can fall upon, people who will catch should you fall
  8. Hero_Of_Blade
    January 29th 2009 12:10 PM - permalink
    I already broke.
    but in a way I never imagined.
    I thought I'd die.
    but I didn't, I don't understand why I'm still alive after what happened.
    I was born broken, I'm used to it =]

    I'll make a deal with you.

    I'll let you help me, if you let me help you.

    That's the best I can do, I couldn't let myself rely on you like that.
    It's too difficult for me to do, but I will stop you from breaking.
    You don't deserve that, no one does.

    You've got a lot to offer the world
    I wont let it go to waste =]

    I promise you that
  9. Hero_Of_Blade
    January 29th 2009 12:03 PM - permalink
    I've been a tool my whole life.
    used by people to get what they need, whatever it is.
    I don't mind.

    And thank you, it's nice to know there are people that still care
    but... I don't know how to rely on people.
    Sure I can talk about lots of stuff about my past, but I usually just throw my own problems aside to help everyone else.
    It's what I was forced to do, and it's all I can do.

    I'll keep people strong, the people who will change the world, I'll keep them strong, I'll let them use me, I'll let those that are good use me.

    But thank you. It means a lot... more than you know to say that =']
  10. Hero_Of_Blade
    January 29th 2009 11:50 AM - permalink
    I don't rely on anyone =]
    no one should care about me anyway.
    I'm a tool to be used, and if I break I'll still do my best to do my purpose =]

    And at the end of the day, tools don't get support they get used and I don't mind that.

    So no, no chain of people. Just me me and my sins =]

    As I say, I'm a tol to be used... so use me. I'll always listen and offer what I can. =]

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    Oh and I am a girl btw :p
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    *I'm a slow dying flower, in the frost-killing hour, turning sour and untouchable.*


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