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Happy happy happy 15th!
Hope you have a fantastic day!
And a radical year ahead!!!!
Happy Birthday Far From Perfect!!
I hope you're having a dandy day!!

Im good, since im now a teenager, im all caought up on my school work now
since its now the 2nd quarter and all of that work is just dissapered. I now have a fresh start for school next week with no homework (:
Oh and my friend Tuckewr i think it out of the hospital by now (:
annie is my best friend

Well....Today i graduated to being a teenager so im pretty happy (:
Hi how r you? ive bee kind stuck in the middle of being not so well with life.
I dont know i am trying my best to think positive but i cant help but think my friend is going to die.
Hes doing fine 1 mintue and then the next hes sent back to a hopsital a long ways away from here (he got hit by a car) i didnt ask why he was sent back but it just worries me ):
Oh thats so cool! I hope the best for you guys! Your never too young to date with somebody you love (: Just make sure its the right time for you and that person and just enjoy being together (: I have a friend thats has bene going out with a guy for 6 months! Thats a long time for me.
basickly its almost a year. So dont give up on love!
Oh im doing very good Schools started up again and you what i relized?
I relized that you DONT SUFFER when you pay attention as much as you would if you DIDNT PAY ATTENTION. now, I love school. For 3 years i thought it was so boring and it does get boring but me paying attention just changed how i thought its not actullay as bad as some people would thing. Well it is but whatever thats just what ive learned so far on my own!
My boyfriend broke up with me but he was really sweet and nice and now were just really good friends.
Whats your name Again? sorry i forgot ) ;
hello, are you doing today?