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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 981 to 990 of 4047
  1. Moxie.
    August 4th 2012 06:48 PM - permalink
  2. Amorphous.
    August 4th 2012 12:45 PM - permalink
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, yes. Reverie, hello, we have talked before . The new username suits you .
  3. Amorphous.
    August 4th 2012 11:45 AM - permalink
    Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey person! Is it just me or have you recently become a brand new mod for Depression and Suicide? If yes, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY and congratulations . If not, then soz.

  4. Philomath
    August 4th 2012 03:17 AM - permalink
    Hey again!!
    I have to be there the 28th of this month.
    I am very excited because I want and need to get away from some things here... I am counting down the days. Hahaha
    I hope you can get some work. I find having something to do does help with making summer not so slow and long.
    I've had summer since the 22nd of June although not really because I was doing school over the summer at a program I was in so technically I've only had a proper summer since the 27th of July and so my summer is only one month this year.
    I hope you are doing well. <3
  5. Just Peachy.
    August 3rd 2012 09:15 PM - permalink
    Just Peachy.
    Haha thanks for your permission lovely.
    It's okay though, you'll still see me around
  6. Just Peachy.
    August 3rd 2012 08:39 PM - permalink
    Just Peachy.
    I'm never in chat anymore, I'm a bad chat mod.. and I has no time
  7. Muse
    August 3rd 2012 08:34 PM - permalink
    Why thank you beautiful!
  8. Solivagant
    August 3rd 2012 06:24 AM - permalink
    Me too Thanks
  9. Philomath
    August 3rd 2012 01:13 AM - permalink
    Hey! Hahaha, I have no idea. We need to change that immediately! :P I am okay. Just counting down the days until college and trying to find ways to cure my boredom. How's your summer been?
  10. Maverick.
    August 2nd 2012 10:06 PM - permalink
    Because people are theifs. They vandalise your stuff. You can't trust people with things you paid a lot of money for.


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