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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 901 to 910 of 4048
  1. oldaccount
    October 2nd 2012 12:23 AM - permalink
    Stay strong lovely <3 I believe in ya
  2. einstein's dog
    September 27th 2012 07:12 PM - permalink
    einstein's dog
    hey thanks for your message, it really made me feel cared for. i've been looking for a support forum thingy for a while now because there's things my friends can't help me with and i don't talk to my family... i found teenhelp and looked round it in a free lesson at college today. i'm really into music, it's my life! and the music i make isn't that good but practise makes perfect, eh? i don't really know the genre of the music i make... i use my beautiful acoustic guitar :3 i'm working things out just fine but i know who to come to if i need help now thanks so much x
  3. It's Magic
    September 27th 2012 05:26 AM - permalink
    It's Magic
    Hi Hollie I'm pretty good thanks.
    Thank you so much! <3 I love it how you can personalize everything on this forum. I'm pretty good at finding my way around forums and such, so hopefully I'll be posting more soon
    I'm really happy to be part of this forum. There seems to be some amazing people here. Thanks so much for being so welcoming. It really made my day and I'll be sure to ask if I have any questions.
    Take care <3
  4. Oldaccount.
    September 22nd 2012 09:46 PM - permalink
    Thanks beautiful!
  5. Kindred
    September 19th 2012 08:10 PM - permalink

    I thought of you <3
  6. HisPrincess
    September 15th 2012 05:36 AM - permalink
    Ahh I know what you mean. I started school weeks ago and being that it's an online school, I get rid of a lot of drama but have more academic stress. So it works. What about school makes you hate it?

    I'm doing alright. Things are going pretty well. I'm slowly healing from loosing my best friend and learning to trust someone new. It's interesting haha.
  7. HisPrincess
    September 13th 2012 12:20 AM - permalink
    <3 Yeah it has been. Thank you! How have you been?
  8. Coffee.
    September 10th 2012 08:48 AM - permalink
    Thanks, beautiful!
  9. Wildflower ♥
    September 10th 2012 02:32 AM - permalink
    Wildflower ♥
    Put your fist in the middle, the dots go faster! OMG! Isn't it sad how easily entertained I am
  10. xXSweet_LoveXx
    September 10th 2012 01:33 AM - permalink
    Thank you very much. i appreciate it.


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