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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 871 to 880 of 4048
  1. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    October 31st 2012 06:45 PM - permalink
    I'm all right. Sitting in study hall last period for another like 28 minutes. Kinda disappointed because our Spanish class may be going to Spain next year and I more than likely wont be able to afford it. Well really disappointed. Heh.

  2. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    October 30th 2012 12:56 AM - permalink
    Baha. Don't worry, I'd do the same thing!

    ELLOOO! Wuzzup.
  3. Anatidaephobia
    October 29th 2012 11:42 PM - permalink
  4. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    October 29th 2012 10:49 PM - permalink
    Maybe I'll annoy you with a VM first.
  5. Anatidaephobia
    October 29th 2012 10:43 PM - permalink
    Hoorar. Sounds like a plan.
    I'll drop out of uni dor this, yeah? (: <3
  6. Anatidaephobia
    October 29th 2012 07:35 PM - permalink
    Yay lets have a Kitten party (:
    Thank you beautiful. Same for you <3
    Love you <3
  7. Anatidaephobia
    October 29th 2012 05:45 PM - permalink
    I love you lots and lots like jelly lots (Well actually I don't like jelly tots and I like you an awful lot so I love you like kittens...it just doesn't sound as cool ) Also I realise I'm not talking to myself....or typing.
    I miss you and thank you for the lovely messages. I'm sorry I've not replied until now. Got lost in our mega cat styling store
    I love you. Hope you're ok. Stay smiling <3
  8. Just Peachy.
    October 28th 2012 05:38 PM - permalink
    Just Peachy.
    Thanks so much for the blog comment, love <3
  9. Spirit.
    October 27th 2012 06:45 AM - permalink
    Me too me too!!

    Oh, wow, busy bee, Holls! best of luck for all for your applications, wherever they are going, and I hope you get into the uni of your choice! what else do you have on your plate?

    My exams begin on Tuesday. Dreading it. Need to study, haven't started, and apparently I'm supposed to be some sort of nerd, according to my friends!
    Other than that, I'm just getting back into the groove. I like that, now, I can access HL, and generally TH (although not chat) on my phone, so I have no worries that I won't be able to catch up on what's been going on! Little frazzled in life, but alright!
  10. The Dread Pirate Roberts
    October 25th 2012 08:25 PM - permalink
    The Dread Pirate Roberts
    How about you? What's new with you?!


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