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Everglow. Offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 841 to 850 of 4048
  1. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    November 10th 2012 09:10 PM - permalink
    Ew, I have school work too, but I A. Left it in school, and B. need help, sooo. I hope you have fun at your friend's!

    Oh it is.
  2. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    November 10th 2012 01:07 AM - permalink
    Good luck! Besides the university open day thingy do you have any plans?

    Sleeping, because sleeping is the best thing on Earth.
  3. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    November 9th 2012 10:01 PM - permalink
    Oh geez, have fun waking up early. I'd be so sad.
  4. irrele
    November 9th 2012 03:45 PM - permalink
    Hi Belle, I'd said I'm okay but it's been a long time since I've been able to say that convincingly, today I started to self harm again I been listening to a song that reminds me of my girlfriend who's in germany. she doesn't love me right now because she was raped and she had a flashback of it recently and refuses to let anybody help her. I turned to self harm because of this and because I've been unable to successfully get a job (im 19) and my mother threatens to kick me out if i don't give her money, which is kinda hard without a job. I've started to cut Dani's name into my arm so it feels like it means something.

    I apologise that this is really melancholy maybe sometime I can post something useful or fun. If you're interested in the song it's really lovely it's by Mac Lethal - Jake + olive you can find it on youtube or itunes.

    I hope you're doing better than I am !


  5. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    November 8th 2012 12:33 AM - permalink
    School was called early due to snow.
    Flippin cold as flip but I was able to sleep from like 1 PM to 6 PM. Maybe 6:30.
  6. Bite Me
    November 7th 2012 03:29 PM - permalink
    Bite Me
    You are so amazing and beautiful! Thank you so much. So so much. Look in the mirror, YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!
  7. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    November 7th 2012 12:11 AM - permalink
    I know, I always think people are glaring at me when they're just winking.
  8. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    November 6th 2012 12:23 AM - permalink
    It doesn't sound any too happy!
  9. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    November 4th 2012 02:02 AM - permalink
    Let me know how it feeels.

    For some reason I always think the winkyface is the glare.
  10. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    November 3rd 2012 02:01 AM - permalink
    And you can pretend the bed is a cloud!


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