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Outside, huh?

Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 501 to 510 of 4047
  1. Laurasaurus
    July 25th 2013 05:03 AM - permalink
    Yes, my signature is Castiel. I love him to death.
    Thank you.
  2. hocus pocus
    July 22nd 2013 01:38 AM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    No problem! That's good I'm okay, thanks. I'm just trying to beat the heat. I can't wait until the Fall
  3. hocus pocus
    July 22nd 2013 01:27 AM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    Thank you The same thing goes to you I like to try to help everyone. How are you?
  4. hocus pocus
    July 22nd 2013 01:11 AM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    Me too! Well, I usually sleep all day. You're welcome Sorry, I've been getting triggered easily so I've just been staying offline for a while. I hope you're doing well.
  5. DeletedAccount69
    July 20th 2013 01:35 AM - permalink
    I am glad you spoke to someone about it. I think that is really great. And thank you, that means a lot.
  6. DeletedAccount69
    July 19th 2013 01:27 AM - permalink
    Ah, it was no problem. I hope what I said helped in some way, you know? If you ever want to chat or just rant you can always message me.

    I am doing okay, thank you.
  7. hocus pocus
    July 16th 2013 04:29 AM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    Haha, how late do you stay up until? :: I pull a lot of all-nighters. I read your blog. I don't think you're a losers choice; and I don't hate you, either! I think you're really cool
  8. hocus pocus
    July 15th 2013 10:33 PM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    You bet it is!!
    It's weird, isn't it? I kind of miss being younger because everything seemed more exciting. But at least we get more freedom now
  9. hocus pocus
    July 15th 2013 06:09 PM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    Me neither :P. I definitely agree! I like to lay in bed with some hot chocolate and a book It was in the 100's a few days ago, but I haven't yet stepped outside today. It is! I notice it goes by faster when you get older or something. Thanks
  10. hocus pocus
    July 15th 2013 06:00 PM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    Thank you

    It's crazy hot here, too! We have no trees, so we're right in the sun. I can't believe it's mid July already! I'm good, thanks for asking


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