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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 431 to 440 of 4048
  1. Catharsis.
    August 30th 2013 08:01 PM - permalink
    Hey there, co-mod. Sorry for leaving the entire share of moderating for the ever-bustling PP&B forum to you for the last couple of weeks! How are you doing?
  2. Spirit.
    August 30th 2013 06:42 PM - permalink
    Oh, yeah? The only thing I'm concerned about is what they offer for postgrad in psychology. *sigh*
    Funny things are happening, which are not the type of funny that would make me laugh.
    I have these periodical downs that are worrying me a little bit, and I'm super hesitant about what to do.
  3. Spirit.
    August 27th 2013 04:29 AM - permalink

    I knoww, but it's closer than where I am right now I'm looking at Uni of S.Wales, but mostly Anglia Ruskin Uni, maybe Nottingham or something along those lines.
    YES WE CAN if all things work out *notice the fine print*
  4. Spellbound
    August 26th 2013 10:30 PM - permalink
    Thank you <3 I'm okay, just been too busy lately!
  5. Spirit.
    August 23rd 2013 01:04 PM - permalink
    Gaaah, sorry! Haven't been able to keep up with all this

    I'm better now. Have to be super careful for a bit and strengthen my back. However, I seem to be in rather good shape considering. *touch wood*

    That's good to hear! The results, speaking of which, CONGRATULATIONS! So freaking proud of your
    Funny thing, I'm looking to be in the UK for my postgraduate education *excitement* which meansssssssss
  6. Jack Lowden
    August 20th 2013 08:26 PM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
    So I've been watching Doctor Who for the past month & I JUST not got what your username was
  7. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    August 14th 2013 12:35 AM - permalink
    Thank you very much!
  8. eunoia
    August 9th 2013 09:05 AM - permalink
    Best username I've seen in a bit.
  9. Spirit.
    August 8th 2013 08:39 AM - permalink
    Thank you, love
    Guess what? I fell down the stairs and hurt my back pretty bad, and couldn't write my health psychology assignment, which I was so freaking pumped for. :| I was prepared like nothing on earth. Talk about luck

    How's the tv watching going?
  10. Chuuya
    August 1st 2013 09:45 PM - permalink
    I like your new UN


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