It definitely is! How's packing and such for college going? You're going there soon, yeah? So many people off to Uni and I can't keep track of when they're leaving for it! LOL.
It's totally random. It's been pretty yuck for me lately. Like, I'm not even close to excited about my birthday, I honestly couldn't give a large rodent's tiny backside. I have my friends in college they're all really great, I just feel so out of it. A little off and such. I sometimes feel like I was born at the wrong time, or something, like I'm in a whole other life than a one I'm supposed to be in, you know? It's an odd feeling. Sometimes it's hard to talk to people about certain things, not that I feel like I'll come off as someone who can't handle something, that doesn't bother me, but I'm a little apprehensive because I don't want to retreat into my bubble. I don't really know how to describe it.