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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 411 to 420 of 4048
  1. Philomath
    September 17th 2013 12:13 AM - permalink
    Hey, I just read your blog. I know that transition to a new place can be tough but I know you will get through it. Stay until the next break, really many people feel this way once they leave home. This anxiety will go away as you meet new people. Friendships are not instantaneous as we would like, they take a whole lot of freaking effort from us to form but if you keep reaching out, you will meet some amazing and wonderful people. It is frustrating but it will end, I know it. You can do this!
  2. hocus pocus
    September 16th 2013 10:32 PM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    You're welcome! Let me know if there's anything I can do. You know, lend an ear (or in this case, an eye : Keep hanging in there <3.
  3. hocus pocus
    September 16th 2013 10:16 PM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    Hey, I read your blog. I'm thinking of you
  4. Spirit.
    September 5th 2013 03:01 PM - permalink
    It definitely is! How's packing and such for college going? You're going there soon, yeah? So many people off to Uni and I can't keep track of when they're leaving for it! LOL.

    It's totally random. It's been pretty yuck for me lately. Like, I'm not even close to excited about my birthday, I honestly couldn't give a large rodent's tiny backside. I have my friends in college they're all really great, I just feel so out of it. A little off and such. I sometimes feel like I was born at the wrong time, or something, like I'm in a whole other life than a one I'm supposed to be in, you know? It's an odd feeling. Sometimes it's hard to talk to people about certain things, not that I feel like I'll come off as someone who can't handle something, that doesn't bother me, but I'm a little apprehensive because I don't want to retreat into my bubble. I don't really know how to describe it.
  5. Jack Lowden
    September 5th 2013 05:14 AM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
    Hahaha they are my favorite couple
  6. Catharsis.
    September 2nd 2013 10:17 PM - permalink
    Thanks! And you too, that sounds cool!
  7. Catharsis.
    September 2nd 2013 10:10 PM - permalink
    No worries!
    School all week, and then I might be off to the seaside on Friday! How about you?
  8. Catharsis.
    September 2nd 2013 10:03 PM - permalink
    Ah, it's a pity you have to move away from her. I hope it goes okay!
    I'm alright at the moment, thanks! =]
  9. Catharsis.
    September 2nd 2013 09:52 PM - permalink
    How are you today?
  10. Catharsis.
    September 2nd 2013 09:19 PM - permalink
    Blah, that's a tough one. We could swap bodies or something.


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