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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 391 to 400 of 4048
  1. Jack Lowden
    January 31st 2014 11:50 PM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
    Oh my god your username is perfection
  2. Spirit.
    October 17th 2013 07:43 AM - permalink
    Wow, I'm sorry, I didn't know! I thought you were back for a break. although I did wonder why so soon!
    I miss you too!
    tell me when to get on skype or when you're free. we should chat
  3. Philomath
    October 9th 2013 01:39 PM - permalink
    Hey Hollie, I just read your post in the Screaming Thread. It makes me think of my family. I get along with them better now that I am at college. It is hard but if you are still in school and only home for a break currently, college does get easier, it really does. I was terrifyed when I first got here because I was unsure about making friends and a lot of other things but I stayed and I am glad I did because I've figured out who my true friends in life are and you can do that as well. It is hard to go away from family, but that distance can really be useful because you are in a place where you can make decisions about how you want help without parents knowing (like if you were to want counseling) you could go to the college and ask for it and get it without them knowing. It is all new for every single freshman in the world. I see Freshman right now freaking out because of their classes, missing home, worrying about the coursework but I know that if they connect to the right resources and take advantage of what is offered to them they will make it through. I am thinking of you and hope you are doing well.
  4. Riddikulus
    October 8th 2013 04:58 PM - permalink
    Ouch not good xx
  5. Riddikulus
    October 7th 2013 10:53 PM - permalink
    Mann what for? xx
  6. Riddikulus
    October 7th 2013 06:37 PM - permalink
    Haha good girl You still need to come vist me or I'll come wist you. we live so close to each other now :P xx
  7. Riddikulus
    October 7th 2013 06:33 PM - permalink
    ikr, it feels weird after so long haha
  8. Spirit.
    October 5th 2013 06:04 AM - permalink
    I hope everything has settled down and Uni is going great!
    miss you tons. College has kept me so busy it's disgusting.

    Thank you love. I'm just dealing, distracting myself and all that xx
  9. Femme Fatale
    October 1st 2013 02:31 AM - permalink
    Femme Fatale
    OH MY GOSH I love your username <3
  10. Catharsis.
    September 29th 2013 08:08 AM - permalink
    Ah, your old teacher sounds genuinely interesting! My teacher is an eejit, but I find it hilarious when he makes fun of people on the course.
    I love the bookshop, too! The books can be costly though.


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