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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 3391 to 3400 of 4047
  1. PSY
    June 3rd 2011 05:51 PM - permalink
    Hello! =D I feel like we have... but probably not "officially", just through the forums (maybe I replied to one of your topics in R&D or F&F?). Anyway, nice to meet you, Hollie! I'm Robin... or PSY, whichever you prefer. I respond equally well to both. xD How goes your weekend?
  2. Mellifluous
    June 3rd 2011 04:56 PM - permalink
    Oh! Hi! I'm seen you around a lot, actually. I'm Anna/Rue.
  3. Spirit.
    June 3rd 2011 12:52 PM - permalink
    Awwww! Darren's a sweetheart! And so you are you, my beautiful amazing person!! <3
    LOL. You're so adorable!!!
    Not fml...or yours!

    Iloveyoumore! <3
  4. savealife723
    June 2nd 2011 10:44 PM - permalink
    Hello Hollie, I'm Kaylaaa! (:
    It's lovely to FINALLY talk to you!
    How are you doing?
  5. Obliviate
    June 2nd 2011 07:54 PM - permalink
    Yes.. yes they do.. Although Mayday Parade will always be best
    Maths is okay if you revise.. you either know it or you don't :3 Everyone has revision! I don't But.. I suppose just go with it dear, and then if you think it's not helping, go home.
    Thank yaaaa <3
  6. Littlebylittle
    June 1st 2011 09:59 PM - permalink
    Hm, tbf i've done quite alot!
    Friday i went for a meal with my family, which is something we never do, so it was good Saturday i had a party at my uncles, where there was a bouncy castle.. And today i went to stratford! it was amazing, had such a good day with my friends, weather was beautiful and i went on a canoe :P which failed but it was fun
    I should be revising for my RE moc, but hey its only a moc exam, its not like it affects my final grades :P
    What year are you in?
  7. Riddikulus
    June 1st 2011 08:26 AM - permalink
    I love you too <3
  8. Littlebylittle
    June 1st 2011 12:43 AM - permalink
    Im Louise, and aw thank you :') Compliments really do help my confidence, honestly so thank you!
    Im good, glad its half term, get chance to chill with my friends
    How about you?
  9. SamMarie
    May 31st 2011 10:59 PM - permalink
    Ohh, I love heat! It's just that I haven't been used to the heat in awhile. You're welcome.
  10. Obliviate
    May 31st 2011 10:51 PM - permalink
    You do indeeed
    I know right! I lurrrv Paramore!
    EKK! Revision?
    They'll hunt yo' down! *in texas accent*
    Uhhmm.. does sleeping count? But aside from that, going to see my neighbour in the hospital. She's been put in there because her twins aren't growing. We're going to go and keep her company :] <3


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