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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 281 to 290 of 4048
  1. Arabesque- golfing girl.
    December 9th 2017 10:12 PM - permalink
    Arabesque- golfing girl.
    Hi, how are you doing?
  2. Storyteller.
    December 4th 2017 11:00 AM - permalink
    Also - my little rats love nesting in their hammock as well. I'm always scared to clean it out (it's a honeycomb one so I can't entirely see into it) because I never know what I'm going to find. Usually it's just bedding material and the odd toy, but sometimes they hide food in there too and it's not fun to dig out.
  3. Storyteller.
    December 4th 2017 10:57 AM - permalink
    Yeah, I know that feeling. Some years the only writing I do is during NaNo. I was better about it this year, but that was mostly because I only got 2/3 of the way through my story last November so I had to finish it off during the year.

    Thanks! I'm actually really excited to write the one that comes after this (well, sort of - a lot of the events in the two stories occur concurrently, I just had to write this one first), but I'm not sure whether I'll be able to start that this year or not.
  4. Storyteller.
    December 2nd 2017 02:23 AM - permalink
    If you ever need a beta reader or someone to bounce ideas around with, I'm happy to offer my assistance. I love connecting with other writers. Ooh. I'm not really a King fan, but I might give it a go sometime.

    Initially it was meant to be a trilogy, but now it's shaping up to be either four or five. Probably five. I did hit my target. I ended up with about 66 000 words, and I finished the draft which was what I was aiming for, so I'm happy with it.
  5. Storyteller.
    December 1st 2017 11:40 PM - permalink
    There's always Camp NaNo in a few months if you're interested. That sounds like a really interesting idea. I haven't seen the movie, would you recommend it?

    My story was a sequel to last year's NaNo. It's part of a specfic series, which I can't say much about without giving it away, but there's a bit of fantasy and a bit of sci fi and a lot of drama. It's something I've been planning more or less for four years, and I'm having a lot of fun with it.
  6. Storyteller.
    November 21st 2017 09:46 AM - permalink
    Aw, that's annoying. I've been struggling a bit this month as well. I hit the 2/3 mark of my story today, and I should finish on time, but I haven't been writing every day like I had initially intended on doing. Do you mind me asking what your story was going to be about? Do you think you'll write it another time?
  7. Storyteller.
    November 19th 2017 05:59 AM - permalink

    How goes the writing? Getting many words in so far this month?
  8. Arabesque- golfing girl.
    November 18th 2017 05:15 AM - permalink
    Arabesque- golfing girl.
    I'm doing okay. Thank you for asking. I miss talking with you. But I know when you are busy and have a lot of things going on. How are you doing? I hope you are well. Hugs.
  9. Arabesque- golfing girl.
    November 15th 2017 08:50 PM - permalink
    Arabesque- golfing girl.
    Hi. I miss talking to you. I hope you are doing well. Hugs.
  10. Storyteller.
    October 14th 2017 12:09 AM - permalink
    Hello you have summoned me by talking about NaNoWriMo in one of my forums. So hai there fellow WriMo.


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