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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 271 to 280 of 4048
  1. Arabesque- golfing girl.
    March 1st 2018 10:30 PM - permalink
    Arabesque- golfing girl.
    Hi, how are you doing?
  2. Thinking
    January 13th 2018 06:06 PM - permalink
    Hey Hollie, how have you been doing lately?
  3. Arabesque- golfing girl.
    January 1st 2018 02:41 PM - permalink
    Arabesque- golfing girl.
    Happy New Year. Hugs.
  4. Arabesque- golfing girl.
    December 26th 2017 11:10 PM - permalink
    Arabesque- golfing girl.
    I'm glad you are ok.
  5. Arabesque- golfing girl.
    December 26th 2017 01:16 AM - permalink
    Arabesque- golfing girl.
    Hi, how are you?
  6. Arabesque- golfing girl.
    December 14th 2017 07:01 PM - permalink
    Arabesque- golfing girl.
    Hi, how's it going?
  7. Storyteller.
    December 11th 2017 01:08 AM - permalink
    Ah, that makes sense. My two came from a good home so they were used to being handled by the time I got them. They're still a bit skittish because I haven't handled them as much as I should, but they're getting there. Quick question - do you know when they'll stop growing? They're both still a lot smaller than I thought they'd be. I mean, I met their mother, and she was a lot bigger than they are. It's cute that you tickle their feet. None of my pets (I have rats, cats, and a dog) put up with me playing with their feets - if I do that, I end up with their teeths. So far my girls like, well, food. I have some shop-bought rat-specific treats that they like (e.g. sesame balls and carrot chips), but I'll also give them things like little bits of cheese, pasta, fruit - but I tend to not give those during free roam because it gets way too messy. Their absolute favourite treat is this thing I can only get at one particular pet shop, it's kind of a wheel made out of dried fruit and oats and stuff. They go nuts for it. What do yours like nomming?
  8. Storyteller.
    December 10th 2017 11:15 PM - permalink
    You have boys though, don't you? I've heard that they're a bit more chill. How old are your ratties now? I probably will miss the energy, it's kind of amusing when I bring them out for free roam and they just zoom across the couch for literally no reason. They've also decided that the best place to eat their treats during free roam is in my sleeve, which is super fun.
  9. Storyteller.
    December 10th 2017 09:44 PM - permalink
    I do! You actually commented on the thread I made here when I first got them. I have two little girls, they're about six months old now. I am so hoping they settle down at some point though, they're so full of energy. All. The. Time.
  10. Arabesque- golfing girl.
    December 10th 2017 07:28 PM - permalink
    Arabesque- golfing girl.
    I'm glad you are ok. I'm ok too, thanks. Have a good day.


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