Ah, that makes sense. My two came from a good home so they were used to being handled by the time I got them. They're still a bit skittish because I haven't handled them as much as I should, but they're getting there. Quick question - do you know when they'll stop growing? They're both still a lot smaller than I thought they'd be. I mean, I met their mother, and she was a
lot bigger than they are.

It's cute that you tickle their feet. None of my pets (I have rats, cats, and a dog) put up with me playing with their feets - if I do that, I end up with their teeths.

So far my girls like, well, food. I have some shop-bought rat-specific treats that they like (e.g. sesame balls and carrot chips), but I'll also give them things like little bits of cheese, pasta, fruit - but I tend to
not give those during free roam because it gets way too messy. Their absolute favourite treat is this thing I can only get at one particular pet shop, it's kind of a wheel made out of dried fruit and oats and stuff. They go
nuts for it. What do yours like nomming?