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Everglow. Offline

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    August 10th 2011 09:09 PM - permalink
    Thank you.
  2. Troubled_Heart
    August 9th 2011 06:21 PM - permalink
    Yeah it's not going well... But by the end of the year I'll be an expert

  3. Anatidaephobia
    August 9th 2011 05:44 PM - permalink

  4. Anatidaephobia
    August 9th 2011 05:36 PM - permalink
    Exactly there just scum! Honestly they don't care about others so why should we care about them, we'll just have even more debt now just because they want crappy clothes and a new tv
  5. Anatidaephobia
    August 9th 2011 05:21 PM - permalink
    I saw that earlier, it made me so mad. As if people can do that! They deserve to be shot, picking on vunerable people. I say find them and throw away the key!
  6. Anatidaephobia
    August 9th 2011 05:17 PM - permalink
    It's completely stupid and yet the police can't even lay a fingure on them, i say use the water cannon or whatever if it means decent innocent people are safe and have their livelyhoods protected! Its so stupid how they claim they have rights when they act worse than animals
  7. Anatidaephobia
    August 9th 2011 05:13 PM - permalink
    Oh dear "/ stupid rioters. Yeah they're supposed to kick of close to me aswell tonight. Robbed most the shops in Birmingham last night though. Idiots there just making the country worse than it already is
    Love you <3
  8. Anatidaephobia
    August 9th 2011 05:05 PM - permalink
    If you say so :/
    Glad you're ok
    What do you think of these stupid riots then?
  9. Anatidaephobia
    August 9th 2011 05:00 PM - permalink
    Meh i'm alive unfortunatly. How are you sweetheart? <3
  10. Anatidaephobia
    August 9th 2011 04:56 PM - permalink


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