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Everglow. Offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 2731 to 2740 of 4047
  1. Spirit.
    August 19th 2011 01:28 PM - permalink
    I shall do that
    Thanks Hollie!
    Love you so much.

    Wait, you're my friend. I'm talking to you. I'm happy.

    It's going to rain here! Exciting!
    Yeah, I'm kinda reeling from happy to sad. It's possible!
    I'm wearing blue, but I'm not blue...
    Hey woah, you're so cool, you're so pretty, I'm so in love with you. My birth stone is sapphire, and sapphire's blue too. What a weird coincidence!
  2. Spirit.
    August 19th 2011 01:20 PM - permalink
    Lol. sorry, I was like so hyper yesterday, and it still hasn't worn out I bet!
    I did horrrrrridly!!
    Mum's going to be so upset. And psych's like my best subject. Sigh.

    Everything is wrong. College is wrong. I got really mad at my developmental psych teacher yesterday cause she called us the worst first years ever and I just wasn't in the mood for negativity, I was cursing her under my breath, and then I had to write an assignment I was barely prepared for and then go for music club like almost when they were done practicing.

    Today was infinitely better I'll tell you that. But I'm still like, oh this sucks. My mind isn't working. I'm feeling unenthusiastic and my desk has never been so messy in all my life. Ever.
  3. Spirit.
    August 18th 2011 03:22 PM - permalink
    Your chat crashed? Now you're chat won't crash? I have a test, I don't want to study. I'm so annoyed Hollie. "/
  4. bailatyvm
    August 17th 2011 10:41 PM - permalink
  5. Madeleine.Claire
    August 17th 2011 10:17 PM - permalink
    They scare me too! And I'm having one in less than 24 hours! Hahaha.
    It wasn't that bad quite honestly, I hardly swelled up! (:
  6. Madeleine.Claire
    August 17th 2011 09:56 PM - permalink
    You're lucky!
    The only reason I had to have it before was when I got my wisdom teeth out, I woke up and I was OUT OF IT!
    I'll try my best (:
  7. Madeleine.Claire
    August 17th 2011 09:52 PM - permalink
    I hope so! I'm so weird after anesthesia though!
    I'll definitely let you know once I'm back on here, which will hopefully be Sunday or Monday, maybe Saturday if I feel up to it.
    It is the truth though (: us abnormal people make it the best here.
  8. Madeleine.Claire
    August 17th 2011 09:48 PM - permalink
    Surgery d: unfortunately my ankle hates me and decided to go be all unstable so they're making the ligaments stronger, I have to go in tomorrow at 11:15.
    Why thank you! (:
    Abnormality rules. Without it.. The world would be dull.
  9. Madeleine.Claire
    August 17th 2011 09:42 PM - permalink
    Hah, I'm..alright. Kind of nervous for tomorrow!
    You are slightly special (;
    I know it was super random but I was just like "huh, I wonder how she's doin'."
    (: I'm just abnormal like that!
  10. Madeleine.Claire
    August 17th 2011 09:40 PM - permalink
    Hey, I hope you're doing alright? Randomly had you on my mind today haha.
    <3 (random..I know)


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