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Outside, huh?

Everglow. Offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 2611 to 2620 of 4047
  1. Anatidaephobia
    August 28th 2011 04:54 PM - permalink
    I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not but thanks
  2. Anatidaephobia
    August 28th 2011 04:51 PM - permalink
    Oh i didn't do it on purpose. I just thought her face was funny when she yelled :')
  3. Anatidaephobia
    August 28th 2011 04:15 PM - permalink
    Oh me and my friend did. We were messing around before looked at each other and just laughed. We felt mean but just couldn't help it
    The funniest was when i laughed when a teacher was telling me off so got a detention
  4. Anatidaephobia
    August 28th 2011 04:03 PM - permalink
    Yus and when you can't laught because somethings serious but because you can't laugh you then need to. So you start laughing :')
  5. Anatidaephobia
    August 28th 2011 03:49 PM - permalink
    Aha same. I think it's the worst though when you think of something funny and just burst out laughing.
    Did that once in my Geography class :') They never understood because i was the only new person but i remembered the lesson in my old school where the teacher had a hissy fit when he was teachering that lesson. Made me laugh. Pretty sure they now all think i'm a nutter :P
  6. Anatidaephobia
    August 28th 2011 03:43 PM - permalink

    My sister thinks i'm strange as i'm sitting here giggling to myself about it now :P
  7. Anatidaephobia
    August 28th 2011 03:42 PM - permalink
    I bet but my sister was outside so she wouldn't have been best pleased
  8. Anatidaephobia
    August 28th 2011 03:33 PM - permalink
    Yus although i did chose not to explain that to the optician though
    Yeah i know Just seems odd to start with. <3
  9. Anatidaephobia
    August 28th 2011 03:28 PM - permalink
    Can't sleep anyway. I'll b ok i'm not falling asleep yet :')
    Aha i'll send you a pic if you really want but they'll look odd. Suppose i'm just not used to them :P My sister sat on my last pair and broke them
    Thats good <3
  10. Anatidaephobia
    August 28th 2011 03:17 PM - permalink
    Feeling kinda sleepy
    Also my eyes hurt :P I need glasses now Me with glasses The last time i wore glasses i was like five.
    How are you? <3


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