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Everglow. Offline

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  1. HopeFul maybe
    October 8th 2011 05:20 AM - permalink
    HopeFul maybe
    How have you been?
  2. Troubled_Heart
    October 7th 2011 08:51 PM - permalink

    It's nothing <3 <3 <3
  3. Perplexity
    October 7th 2011 04:00 PM - permalink
    For me, the exam came around quick, so I started condensing my notes in October/November. I hate leaving things until last minute! Leaves me feeling more stressed out.

    I totally understand how you feel. Sometimes it can feel as though there's just not enough hours in the day. This month and up until mid November ate going to be super stressful. Damn Oxford wanting 2 essays (1 in French and 1 in English), a test and several interviews. On top of that, my French teacher is giving us 1 to 2 pieces of homework to do each night to be due in the next day. Film Studies is also giving us lots of essays. Funnn.

    And thank you! Just making the last amendments to my personal statement and I have a mock Oxbridge interview on Monday. Ahhh.
  4. Perplexity
    October 6th 2011 09:50 PM - permalink
    I'm pretty sure the families exam is only an hour long. It goes pretty fast, but you will be fine! I have worksheets on my laptop which when I find, I will send them to you when you need them.

    Essays are the best way to prepare yourself for this exam. The more you write, the more it should come naturally in the exam. And thank you! I finished it about half an hour ago.

    And so far I think I am. The whole process is pretty stressful, but I've just got to keep going. My application should be sent off on monday - it's completed but it's just being checked by other teachers.
  5. Perplexity
    October 6th 2011 06:44 PM - permalink
    I should have some revision notes on my laptop somewhere, so nearer exam time, I can try and dig some out for you? In one hour, it will be merely impossible to mention every single key writer. Honestly, that exam went so fast for me and I could've wrote more if I had more time.

    Ahh, I loved families and households! It is quite overwhelming at the beginning, but things will fall into place soon. A2 Sociology is interesting so far, however the essays are a killer. I'm currently in the process of writing a 33 mark essay.

    Thank you! I'm applying for French and my college is persuading me to apply for Oxford. Definitely feeling the stress at the moment. And no problem.
  6. Perplexity
    October 5th 2011 10:53 PM - permalink
    No problemo! I know how you feel about remembering all the information. Doesn't help I'm doing 3 essay based subjects at A2. xD I'm not going to lie, there are a LOT of key writers and terms to know, but you don't have to name every single key writer in the exam! One, there isn't enough time in the exam and two, examiners aren't looking just for a list of key writers. Yes, mention some, but building on them is the main thing. So giving examples and criticising their view gains you more marks.

    Which exam board are you on for Sociology? Which topics are you doing? I'm on AQA and last year we did Families and Households and Education with Research methods. This year we're doing Mass Media and Crime and Deviance. I find the subject really interesting and it's helpful to keep up to date with the news and goings on at the moment. The examiners love up to date information in essays!

    Keep persevering with Sociology. It can be overwhelming the content at the beginning, but when you start to condense information for revision, it won't seem like so much work. I'm currently in the process of applying to university, so I'm not on TH as much as normal, but if you message me, I will try to reply asap.
  7. Hiraeth
    October 4th 2011 11:14 PM - permalink
    I am doing my best and that's what matters. But boy, do I wish I had access to confidential space to vent sometimes!
  8. Hiraeth
    October 4th 2011 09:17 PM - permalink
    Very busy and tired... And yourself?
  9. Riddikulus
    October 3rd 2011 05:55 PM - permalink
    good <3333
  10. Riddikulus
    October 3rd 2011 04:06 PM - permalink
    Just incase you didn't already realise, i though i would remind you that i love you lots and lots <33333


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