No problemo! I know how you feel about remembering all the information. Doesn't help I'm doing 3 essay based subjects at A2. xD I'm not going to lie, there are a LOT of key writers and terms to know, but you don't have to name every single key writer in the exam! One, there isn't enough time in the exam and two, examiners aren't looking just for a list of key writers. Yes, mention some, but building on them is the main thing. So giving examples and criticising their view gains you more marks.
Which exam board are you on for Sociology? Which topics are you doing? I'm on AQA and last year we did Families and Households and Education with Research methods. This year we're doing Mass Media and Crime and Deviance. I find the subject really interesting and it's helpful to keep up to date with the news and goings on at the moment. The examiners love up to date information in essays!
Keep persevering with Sociology. It can be overwhelming the content at the beginning, but when you start to condense information for revision, it won't seem like so much work. I'm currently in the process of applying to university, so I'm not on
TH as much as normal, but if you message me, I will try to reply asap.