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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 2111 to 2120 of 4048
  1. DeletedAccount31
    December 30th 2011 12:12 PM - permalink
    Thank you! I hope you do as well!!
  2. Troubled_Heart
    December 30th 2011 12:11 PM - permalink
    We need 4 B's and 3 C's minimum. You have to have an A in maths if you want to do it and you have to have the same in 2 sciences to do just 1 of them. I want to do maths, physics, rs and chem so I need an A in maths, physics and chem and I want one in rs.. It's tough but hey...
  3. Troubled_Heart
    December 30th 2011 11:59 AM - permalink
    To get into 6th form I have to have an A in Maths
    I have to re-take until I get an A...
    Which is horrible...
    Also takes pressure off the MEGA hard test...
  4. Spirit.
    December 30th 2011 11:11 AM - permalink
    And thank you so much for the Christmas wishes! Hope your Christmas went of well!
  5. Spirit.
    December 30th 2011 11:11 AM - permalink
    It really has been a while since we've had a decent conversation, hasn't it?
    I'm sorry.
    Things are pretty messed up here. And I simply don't have the strength in me to make it okay right now, so it just seems to get worse. We will talk soon, I promise you. And I need someone like you to hear what I need to say. It's been screwing a whole lot of things up and I need to get it out. I've really missed you, Hollie. I've been thinking about you everyday!
    I just need to get things sorted out by new year so that I don't feel I'm off to a bad start.
    I love you. <3
  6. Troubled_Heart
    December 30th 2011 10:25 AM - permalink
    Yup... I'm meant to be ok at science but I'm really not
    Haha I haven't a clue about proliferation...
    Thanks... But I have to have an A... And I think I have a B or C
  7. The Dread Pirate Roberts
    December 30th 2011 07:31 AM - permalink
    The Dread Pirate Roberts
    beautiful person! :3 Hi <3
  8. Obliviate
    December 30th 2011 01:32 AM - permalink
    Hollie, you are beautiful and you should never think otherwise. Have a great New Year, lovely - you deserve it xxxxxx
  9. ARootlessTree
    December 29th 2011 11:16 PM - permalink
    Not bad is how I like it! Almost is awesome as good!
    are you on winter break?
  10. Stargazed.
    December 29th 2011 11:13 PM - permalink
    Glad to hear it.


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