Bahaha. I say stupid things. I have foot in mouth disease as my aunt would say!

Oh, yeah, I remember all those random things that I said. LOL. Gaaad, I can't believe I did.

Aw, thanks Holl! You always make me feel good about the things I do!

It really makes me feel confident when going about it! On top of that, it feels even better to be getting back on here and getting at
HL after so long with fresh eyes. Feels goooood! Haha!

Oooh! What volunteer work? I hope you get it! And send it sooooon!!

I can't wait either!

Wow, that's a lot of babies. And it's so weird. there are a lot of birthdays in Feb. I just realized.

And that's a lot, considering shopping for birthdays is never easy! Haha. You're exams got over so fast??

How did you do?
Yeh, teachers tend to do that. The more I hate them, the more mean they are to me in life, but I can't help hating thing for being who they teachers!

WHUT? 12 pieces? Are you serious? Damn.

Coll is a pain when it comes to work. So much studying. Tests coming up in about a week. We also have our college culturals somewhere in between and since we're the ones hosting, there's going to be a lot of work. I have a cultural programme I have to go to tomorrow. I don't even feel like it though. I want sleep.

I haven't started studying, and it's so hard to pay attention in class when some person up there just seems to drone on and on in those sleepy, hypnotic tones. Can barely keep my eyes open. Forget my ears - I tune out sooner than you can say frobscottle.